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Radar Carbon Sequence plate


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  • Baller
The center screw into the boot should keep it centered. For rotation, I miss the indicators the prior aluminum plate had. I used calipers and measured the slots until I felt like it was centered for the front boot.
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  • Baller
Aluminum plate had marks like you mentioned. Don’t think it’s that hard to eye ball center....? Looks like your plate has a thin foam gasket? Mine did not and I needed to sand the top of my screws down just a bit so they would sit flush with the plate and not mark up the ski.
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  • Baller
Is a caliper really needed for this instead of simply eyeballing it? How sensitive is the ski response to a boot rotation of a few degrees? And going in the opposite direction of staying neutral, what effects do you get (or would you be looking to get) with a rotation set on purpose?
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