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I seem to hate all gloves now


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So here's my epic history of discontinued gloves:


My all-time favorite glove was the original HO Talon. After it went out of production, a similar-looking glove appeared called the 4Wake, but I didn't like it nearly as much.


I used Connelly Claws for a while, both before and after the reign of the Talons. I liked them well enough, and happened to be using them when I set my tournament best in 2011. Then these also disappeared or changed (I can't remember which).


Then I switched to the red 41 Tails. Again I liked these well enough. But the newer yellow 41 Tails just aren't the same. I feel like I have to use so much more effort to grip the handle, and my forearms are sometimes the thing that makes me stop skiing. That basically never happened in the past.


So then I went to Radar Boas. Yay -- acceptable gloves again. And so, naturally, they changed them. The inside-out ones make no sense to me. They feel awkward in every way and my grip is terrible.


At one point in the middle of all of that, I tried the "Miami Ski Nautique" gloves, and I didn't "get" those. Seemed to offer no protection at all to my hands, with at best "OK" grip.


A long, long time ago I tried Clinchers and hated them. My hand didn't want to go off the handle OR come back on! I must admit I haven't tried a similar glove in at least 25 years.


For the moment, I'm back on the yellow 41 Tails, but pretty darn unsatisfied with them. It's goofy to end a set because I can't grip the handle anymore.


Has anyone with similar likes/dislikes found still-in-production gloves they really like??


If it matters, I used Kevlar liners underneath (and have for at least 15 years). It would be hard to convince me I should stop using those, because before I started using them I would lose ski days to shredded hands. But I'd be willing to listen to a good enough argument, I guess.

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@ScottScott While that's not a crazy idea, I've been using exactly the same handle model (In-Tow Performer) for at least a decade, so I feel I can rule that out as the problem.


Of course, I can't rule out the possibility that I'm just old and weak, and so might have to adapt...

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  • Baller
No doubt you've tried many options. I was just surprised when I added the palm protectors how fatiguing it got, then just going from the 1.030" handle I had to a 1" made things all better again. Im sure the different brands/models of gloves have slightly difffernt thicknesses that could require a different handle diameter to have the same feel.
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  • Baller
I used to wear the Masterliness Curves, then they changed them and now you can't find them except in xs or small. Switched to the MSN gloves. While thiner, they seemed to provide a better grip and feel of the handle, but I had to a glove liner, which is working out great and helps to reduce/eliminate blisters and calluses.
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  • Baller
I bought 2 pairs of the 41 tail grey gloves last fall at perfski, I'm still using the first pair which for me is quite good from a wear stand point. I've been using d3 glove liners for several years and they see to hold up quite well. I've been using a masterline 1.183 handle for many years. The masterine kevlar curves were my go to for a number of years but when they re-designed them to the green version they never worked for me after that.
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@jayski I haven't tried Masterline yet! Which model? (Hopefully you're not referring to the same one @igkya says you can't find anymore!)


L is indeed my size, but I'm hoping to find a longer term solution with an in-production glove that I don't hate.

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  • Baller
@scorban2 I have been using the new gray 41 tails for a few weeks and like them better than the red ones. The red ones fit smaller and I could barely get the velcro on the back of the hand to wrap back and stay closed. The gray ones are wider and slightly longer in the fingers. Grip is the same if not better.
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  • Baller

I know that you've used liners for years, however, maybe try smaller gloves w/o liners. I used to have hand problems until the coaches at Bennetts told me to go smaller. Buy some that brand new are almost too tight to pull on unless they are wet and take 1-2 sets to loosen up. At least for me the key to preventing blisters is avoiding any bunching in the palm/lower finger areas.


FWIW I've used 41 Tails for years and for some reason the last two pairs just aren't "right". Weirdly sized and shaped especially in the fingers. I've recently been forced to try the BOAs and while the price is kinda dumb I do like the ability to suck the glove down to my hand (no bunching) with the dial on the back of the glove.

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I've always found the right size gloves are the ones you almost can't put on when they're brand new, I usually ski a few sets with no liners inside them when brad new. After a couple sets they've stretched enough to get over liners.
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  • Baller
@buoyboy1 Thanks for the info. My red ones are tearing from too much tension on the back strap, so the bit of extra width will be nice. I've been running my red ones without the back strap attached to get some extra mileage out of them, but I think I'll need a new pair before the season's over.
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  • Baller

@Than_Bogan had similar problems with discontinued or change in fit gloves over the years. Last Fall I bought a pair of HO Legents, same fit as the 41 tails but no kevlar palms, more like leather, don’t know exactly, blue leathery material. Fit is great and grip is phenomenal, these are now my new all time best gloves and I’m not a big fan of HO soft goods. Also very durable, after over 100 sets and still no significant signs of wear.

Bought 2 more pairs and might buy some more to be on the safe side for the next couple of years.

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  • Baller
For years, to protect my hands, I would use Kevlar under wear AND palm protectors. About 3 years ago, switched to just Tail 41 gloves only. Better grip on the handle and my hands actually seem better.
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I was about to recommend the blue o'brien x-grip pro gloves because they are(were) half the price of everything else on the market and I like gloves with kevlar palm and amara fingers, but now I see they are now $50 and not the same anymore. So I guess I'm in the same boat...
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  • Baller_

Loved the red 41 tails. When they went to yellow, I didn’t like the fit. So I bought 11 pair of red 41 tails, 11 being all the size smalls I could find.


Having gone through the Red 11, I am now using the green Radar Boa, size small and the Gordon Rathburn gloves, size large. Neither is Kevlar. I don’t notice any difference in the grip (0.980 Intow bent). Both gloves are great but I think I like the GR’s the best. Great fit. And the blue color matches my T3.


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  • Baller
I'm using the first generation of inside out Boa's and they've been great for longevity saving my hands. I use them with liners. I wish glove makers would make long size for us tall skinny people abnormally long fingers. I have some D3 that I used for tournaments without lines to reduce missed handle grabs.
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  • Baller

I loved the Talons as well. They continued to work great even as they were disintegrating around my hands. I went through Masterline clinchers, Radar Boas, D3’s, Connelly, and Goode clinchers until I finally found the Pro Gear gloves. They fit absolutely perfect and being that their concept is based on simplicity, I’m confident that they won’t change and will be available for years to come. I tried the similar Miami Nautiques gloves, but the fit wasn’t as sweet.


I suggest ditching the liners and going back to basics. Or alternatively get some Masterline clinchers, remove the dowel, and wrap a rubber band around the palm strap. After I modified mine like this, I never felt like I was going to get hung up on the handle and it was the closest in feel to my old Talons.

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  • Baller
HO World Cup - squeeze into smalls - for about 10 years now. Usually will buy 2 or 3 pairs at a time. The Acapulco Blues caught my eye this spring then I found a deal on the HO's. 1.0 InTow with anti-roll bridle. No glove liners needed.
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  • Baller
I am a copy of @kylegansel. Same setup ... red 41 Tail Gloves, 1.062" handle. I don't think there is a perfect glove. Like @than_bogan, I liked some very ancient HO gloves - and now they stopped making them too. I don't even know what they were but basically had kevlar palms and two sets of velcro straps; Never cared for clinchers. Thx for this interesting thread, Than.
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  • Baller
I buy my gloves one size too small, soak them submerged in water before wearing them for the first time for 24 hrs. Then I stretch them onto my hands, and they stretch to the perfect size. They fit like a glove! I used the Accurate ones for years, and when my stock was gone, tried Radar Boa inside out with my In-Tow 1.06. Perfect match. I don't use Kevlar, as my hands are paws ;)
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  • Baller

@Than_Bogan I used to use Kevlar liners and then 3 years ago switched to duct tape while in FL for a week.


I found the tape does a great job of preventing torn out calluses and feels like a very thin second skin. As opposed to the inner Kevlar liner which protects but slips and bunches up, in my case anyway.


I also went to a bent handle which saves my elbows from medial epicondylitis and gets me a better chance of getting the handle low and close.


Good luck in your quest but try the tape a few times. I think you’ll enjoy the protection and grip.

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  • Baller

Went from ML K-pam curves with liners to a size smaller Miami Nautique gloves. Absolutely no bunching of material which i think is key. Zero problems with blister. I used to get occasional blister with the ML/liners.


A couple other keys i've found for good hand care.

- Grip near on the fimgers, not in the palm.

- Keep caluses down. Pumice stone or razor blade. When my caluses ars thick they are more prone to ripping.

- Large diameter handle. I use 1.183". A 15yo neighbor kid tried it and loved it. Even if you have small hands you should give it a try. Borrow one from a friend first.


What has worked for me.

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  • Baller
Gordon Rathbun's new blue glove is awesome. I went from 41Tail reds to 41Tail yellows (no bueno) to Miami Ski Nautiques (like these a lot) to Gordon's blue glove. Gordon's grip is as good or slightly better than the MSNs (which for me got better w age), but slightly thicker and more protection. My hands are in best shape ever this season and I normally rip calluses off routinely in warm water. Not happening this year.
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A little surf wax makes slippery gloves sticky again.


If it's a blister thing, neoprene palm pads help. Kevlar liners sometimes cause blisters.


Clinchers work better with a rubber band holding the strap to your fingers. Note, the Masterline clinchers were quite slippery when new. Rough up the strap, paint some wetsuit glue on it and surf wax the handle until they break in.


Smaller handles stress the fingers a lot.


Harbor Freight cheap garden gloves are awesome for tricks and OK in a pinch for slalom.



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Well this has been super-helpful, folks. I see one recurring theme is that a properly fitted modern glove will protect my hands without liners. Consider me skeptical, but I'll give it a shot!


I've gleaned from this a few specific gloves that seem like good candidates for me:


HO Legend

Rathbun Blue


I'm strangely tempted to get all three and document my experiences, but I think what I'm actually going to do is just pick one and hope I get lucky and can return to the blissful state of completely ignoring my gloves.

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  • Baller
I used to use the red 41 tails, I got a yellow pair and like everyone else said, they just weren’t the same. I tried the legends but they got a hole real quick. Now I’m trying a pair of the vapor boas, I do like cinching the glove down. The gloves are good, but still not perfect, especially for the price tag. I’m not sure I buy the inside out construction, it seems to make it bulky on the outside, I never noticed seams on the inside so I I didn’t see a reason for them to change it.
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  • Baller
@Than_Bogan, buy all three and then try rotating your glove type from set to set. I tried to find a replacement for last year’s favorite and this year’s model was just different enough that I was not a fan. So I bought the Claw 3.0 and MSN thick. I already use the MSN thin and kept using last year’s Boa Kevlar. As I tried them I realized that I don’t need one type of glove because each one wears on my hands differently and I don’t notice much of a performance difference after the first cut. Now I rotate through all of them and will ski one set with Kevlar and the next with amara on the same day. My hands are in great shape and my grip feels good in all of them. The one pair that I did not like is the pair that I still noticed well beyond the first pass and they are not part of the rotation.
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  • Baller

Slalom Skier Equipment Rule #1: when you find gloves or any other ancillary equipment that works and fits perfect, buy lots of them!


I have friends that are still using the old Clincher gloves and have a stash of a dozen more.


I have two brand new Ronny Drytops (Warm and Fuzzy).


I bought 6 pairs of Black/White Radar Pro Locks when I found they helped my weakened left hand. The sizing on the Black grey version was way off. Don’t really like the new versions.



I only wish I bought 4 dozen Moto Gloves backnin the day. They were fantastic grippers.

The old Mastercurves in Red/Grey were also very good. The black amara made today isn’t nearly as grippy as the grey.


I just bought one of the last new Straighline Ultra Vests in a size small and am having a canvas shop sew in new side and shoulder neoprene to size it to an XL, as mine is starting to deteriorate.


Motto: If it fits and works great - stock up!!

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  • Baller

I've use Tail 41's since they came out as the Rossi Pro Model back in the day. Didn't notice much difference between the red and yellow versions.


I did buy a pair of the new Tail 41's with the ribbed back at Nats. I have only one set on them and hated the feel after the first pass. The back makes them feel much looser and I could feel them sliding on my palm.


The voice of reason (my wife) said to give them a few passes. By the end of the set I had forgotten I didn't like them..

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