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Fitness/Workload/Recovery for "Older" Skiers


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  • Baller

Yo ballers. Requesting your input/advice regarding workload and recovery for "older skiers". Appreciate anyone's input, but especially that of "older" skiers and any fitness/nutrition experts out there. A friend of mine ....... No, just kidding. It's me. I'm 60. 6' 190 lbs. Been skiing forever (since the early '60s, in the course since the mid-'70s). Mostly battle with 35. On a 67" Evo. My skiing is characterized by others as "hard". Has been forever. Hard turns, lots 'o load, speed, etc. I've been slowly getting a little more efficient in my skiing since ZO showed up, but I'm not a light-load skier.


So, on that background - I'm really battling a roller coaster of feeling pretty dang strong one day and like an absolute f'ing beat dog the next. I ski on average 5 days a week, mostly one slalom set after work and a couple per day on the weekends. Oh, and I got a new knee back in February and it's awesome. I don't think it has anything to do with my fatigue. Been back on my ski since mid-April. The knee is not something I feel or think about anymore.


During the water ski season I find it really difficult to keep up any of my other fitness routine - weight room, swimming, and riding. In season I pretty much just ski because that's all I feel like I can handle. So, are any of you in a similar boat, dealing with similar off and on fatigue? I guess the simple answer is probably just more recovery time, proper nutrition (check), low alcohol (check), and more off-season fitness. I'm just wondering if any of you older skiers that still go at it hard (and I know you're out there) have any secrets to how you manage your in-season strength and hold off fatigue. You can tell me if I'm just a p---y. Thanks.

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  • Baller
@jimbrake Same as you. Feel great skiing and wiped out the next especially early in the season. Usually takes 2 days afterward for full recovery. I am 62. Am also looking at knee replacement in the fall. How long was your recovery period?
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  • Baller

I'm 57 so you've got a few years on me. I've noticed over the last 4-5 years I don't recover as fast as I once did and have less energy overall. Rarely ski 2 sets in a day. It's not that I can't ski 2 sets but found it better if I ski only one. Usually one set 4 days per week in season; Tu/Th/Sa/Su. I cleaned up my diet, lost a little weight, and added a little exercise a couple years ago mainly to improve my performance skiing but partially in response to lower energy. Really helped on all counts. On days I don't ski I usually to do the "7 minute workout" and 10 minutes of rowing. On days I ski I try to stretch in the morning.


Truthfully I have more energy on days I workout but don't have the strength I need to ski my best. I expect lower energy and longer recovery time year over year moving forward. Seems to be the trend. I think breaking up your ski sets into single set days would probably help by giving you better recovery between sets.


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  • Baller
I'm 58, weigh 185, 5'11". I don't ski every day like you do. A couple of times a week is a good week for me. But I work out pretty much every day. I get up early and go to the gym where it is mostly resistance training (weights). I also will swim laps a 2 or 3 times a week on lunch or after work. The only time I skip my morning workout is if I'm going to ski that morning or around lunch time. But if I'm going in the afternoon I will still work out. I've been doing this for 20+ years so I see no reason to stop. But the only time I get fatigued is if I don't get enough sleep. I don't think people take getting enough sleep as serious as they do other things like working out. To me it is just as important. And the older I get the more important it gets. Just my two cents worth.
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  • Baller
I am 62 and usally I ski 3 to 4 times a week (not now, I had a shoulder dislocated and I am off for 2 months) but when I ski and I have a good night sleep and go to sleep before 11pm, I recover much better than if I sleep less than 7hours. And I work on my cardio more during ski season and less on strength. And I am very carefull with my diet too, espacially if I have a tournament on the week-end.....I do check my iron on my blood every year too + magnesium....etc...........
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  • Baller

Ok, confession time. I am 62 years old, 6'2" and weigh 185 lbs. Damn lucky that I feel no different than when I was 40. Have worked out my whole life (trying to emulate my dad). I believe the key is to maintain muscle mass which maintains testosterone which maintains muscle mass..... As far as diet, have not eaten red meat in over 40 years..only fish and some poultry on rare occasions. Typical daily meals: breakfast is banana and 30 gram protein bar. Lunch is fruit and yogurt or cottage cheese or maybe sardines. Dinner is veggies and some type of fish. As we age, fewer carbs and more protein is required to maintain the muscle mass. In the off season, lifting free weights to gain strength and then in the season, lift to maintain that strength. (lift 3 days per week). I will ski 5 or 6 days a week running 10-14 passes into 39 @ 34 mph with a barefoot session or two for fun. Like you, my style is, shall we say, not smooth. After 5 or 6 days, it is time for a day off. I do have testosterone levels checked annually....simple spit test. A few IPA's, stouts or a couple glasses of good cabernet also helps!! Best wishes and hope you find your "formula" for less fatigue.

MWN #entrancegatesmatter

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  • Baller

Thanks guys. Forgot to mention that I think my sleep is generally in the good range although I wake up feeling like pretty much total s. After a shower and especially if I can give myself time to stretch in the morning, I feel pretty dang good. It seems to be a blood flow and oxygenation thing.


@thager - knee replacement. Well worth it. I didn't do it because I was having trouble going up and down stairs or putting my pants on, which is what most TKR orthos want to hear before doing the surgery. I did it because my old knee was really affecting my snow skiing negatively and starting to affect water skiing pretty severely, too. The first couple of weeks post-op are challenging. At around 4 weeks I could see that things were going to progress to where they are now, which is "great". I surfed at 6 weeks post-op and was water skiing at about 10 weeks. I was, and continue to be, motivated.


@Ed_Johnson - ha! I hear ya, man. I have been paying the price of this level of activity for many years. Ibuprofen and IPA.


@ski6jones - when I can drag my ___ out of bed and do a stretch and light workout first thing, then I feel better, too.


@Calisdad57 - yeah, but not lately. Might be good to check.


@Than_Bogan - been doing some core work including Bubkas.


@chris55 - hmmm, i should probably get my Fe and Mg checked. Something in blood chem could be out of whack. I take some pretty good supplements though.

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  • Baller
@jimbrake - great thread ... I too struggle with the fatigue thing. I'm skiing 3-4 days per week, 2 sets per day, plus a couple of nights of hoops for cardio (and fun). I'm finding fatigue to be an issue for evening sets after work, like @A_B . I'm only 58 but notice I do not have the stamina on the court that I did 5 years ago. Too much work and not enough beer...need to re-balance !
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  • Baller
@markn - do you lift or do anything else during the ski season? Do you supplement with testosterone? I eat pretty low-carb and am down 10 pounds from last year and maintaining there. I crave red meat (and cabernet), but don't eat it that often. More chicken and some fish. Good amount of fruits and veg.
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  • Baller
Simple answer in a seasonal sport a truly conditioned strong seasonal athlete gets that conditioning done off season. In other words an outstanding summer athlete is made in the winter not summer. The hardest work is before the first rides of the year. Summer should see a decreased load in conditioning and peak performances with adequate recovery.
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  • Baller

@jimbrake as my wife is a physician and she did work on what causes cardio diseases for more than 10 years, she knows about diet and such. So in my bloos analysis (once a year) I check my cholesterol, total and HDL + LDL, trygyceride and other things like iron etc. The piont is when you take supplements and you have a good diet, you may have too much of certains vitamines and so the liver has to get rid of them....which is tiring for the body, + many times we do not process the supplements. For example if oyu take a 1000mg of vit C ...(supplement) you will process just about 20 to 25%, the rest goes down the drain through you kidney. Sometime you body needs some break (10 days) for trying to digest supplement and it is known that it is best to stop taking supplements every 6 weeks.....about, depends the supplements.

Another example, if you take magnesium supplements for 4 to 8 weeks, you body will process not more than 10% of this supplement because when taking magnesium, you need to add some calcium and some beet juice to allow your cell to open and let the magnesuim penetrate it.

We have a very sofisicate system and body and iti is so difficult to do ti right, so sometime the best is to eat as much as possible everything with a lot of fruits and veggies (organic if possible IMO) and balance with proteines and starch (potatoes...pasta, rice, beens.....)

email me if you want more "scientific"sudies about food, vitamines etc.....be glad to share.

How did I dislocated my shoulder ? I was tired and I went skiing 1 set and the 2nd set....bang I fell.......I learned my lesson....but after my fall.......

I hope my experience will help

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  • Baller
@jimbrake -chet raley, who is old and skis every day at a very high level, convinced me to purchase and use a stretching regimen called ' magnificent mobility '. when i stick to the pattern of taking ten minutes before and after skiing that fatigue you describe is cut down to hardly noticeable. don't knock it till you try it.
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  • Baller_

Man, what a bunch of geezers;)


I’ve found that just skiing during the season really beats up the body. Supplementing with a few days of cardio and a day of light weight, high rep workouts makes a huge difference in maintaining strength. Many times it’s better to skip skiing in favor of cardio or weight workout. Yeah it’s hard when the lake is right there and calling.


Outside of that stretching or yoga will do wonders too.


Oh yeah it sucks getting old!

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller

@mwetskier - I will look into that specific stretching regimen. I have a pretty good one I do to warm up before a set and I'm a believer in stretching and yoga in addition to traditional strength training and cardio. I can always do more stretching though.


@Bruce_Butterfield - I think you are on to something. I may replace a couple of sets per week with my normal off-season riding and swimming to see how that balance works. The problem with water skiing is the repetitive load on the same muscles over and over, pass after pass. Very little variation. It's like doing one exercise only - dead lifting. Cross-training the muscles in-season might really help.

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  • Baller

Jim, Yes, during the season, I still lift 3x per week to maintain strength. As far as testosterone supplement, my wife is also a doctor and would NEVER let me do that. In that I live in central Florida, I try to ski at least once per week during the cold months and run instead. I was a vegetarian for years and realized as I got older needed more protein and less carbs. My weight has not fluctuated more than about 2-3 lbs. in the last 25 years Really feel lucky to have good health. Again, because of my dad, I have exercised my whole life, weights, ran marathons, raced bicycles, triathlons, but skiing is the BEST. Hope I can do it until.....

MWN #entrancegatesmatter

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  • Baller

In the summer Im replacing cardios with SUP - one hour of race style paddling. Cardio + balance training in one go.

Im 59 and found that I do not feel like spend one hour for weight lifting any longer - now doing HIIT with free weights and kettelbells with 30-25 reps for 15-20 minutes a day. It does a magic for me.

Ski approx 10-12 sets per week, though my skiing is surely not that energy demanding like short line skiing.

Is here any who is after 70 and skiing regularly? How it feels?


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  • Baller


About that knee, starting some research to do the same myself allthough I'm a bit too young (51) but at the rate it has deterioated the last few years I don't think I can make it to my sixties. Was it a partial or tkr? Does the procedure and/or implant have a specific name. Your front or rear knee? Obviously you being happy with the outcome as a skier got ne curious.


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@DanE - TKR. Don't know the implant name and at this point, don't really care. I only wanted the best doc I could find within a reasonable distance. Got that part right, it seems. I asked the same doc about 4 or 5 years ago for the procedure and he said I was "too young". Even this year at 59 1/2+ (at the time of surgery), he and his PA kept calling me a youngster. If you're bone on bone, it's time. It's my rear (right) knee. It feels so good that I would like to start jumping again, but I'm afraid of messing this one up.
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  • Baller

let's make this simple..try to ski correctly...try to train correctly for what you want your body to be able to do and recover from..pay attention to the nutrients going in: are your foods/drinks helping you or hurting you..


the is a demanding, unbalanced sport, so we have to keep ourselves fit, strong and mobile..then the likelihood of a lot of these issues goes away...


a little mindfulness goes a long way!!!!

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  • Baller

I am 64, 175pds, 6,2" and I think better than average condition/shape and cannot ski 5 day in a week. That is too much, but everyone is different and shorter line lengths typically take more of a toll.


I weight train every other day, heavy especially legs during the off season, light and not much legs during ski season. Play racquetball 4-5hrs a week and bicycle 1.5-2.5K miles/year. I cannot ski more than 3-4 days/week at the most.


A month ago I was overly enthusiastic and tried skiing two days on and one day off, and after a week I had to revert to skiing one day and resting 1-2 between, it was just too much. I typically ski only one set ( 8-10 passes) Listen to your body and skiing too much is worse than too little.


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Just read this post, Hey guys, I`m 83, still Ski alot, almost everyDay, Usually 6-8 passes,2-3 sets. Won Regionals 3 times,Nationals once.

I hang upside down and do some rope excercises, Roller Blade, Have a pretty Neat significant other,of course younger!,drive Fast cars, Eat Junk food, What can I say? Just Do It!!!

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