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2019 Radar is Coming


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  • Baller

@ozski The Best Ski Ever Again ! Does that make the Best ski they produced not their Best ski, @wskier ,Strange I didn,t realise skis could run the course on their own, I was under the impression that somebody with a element of talent was responsible for getting the ski through the pass, I think what ski is on the podium is mainly down to the person who was riding it, example is Freddie Winter trying out several skis and still getting scores @41 off.

At this current time there are some very good skis available, all very capable of putting skiers with talent on the Podium.

I do have a question tho, do you want to step on the dock with the newest performance ski in your hand or a ski that you have bonded with over time that you ski well on ?

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  • Baller

"I do have a question tho, do you want to step on the dock with the newest performance ski in your hand or a ski that you have bonded with over time that you ski well on ?"


one I have bonded with for sure...

And agreed placements mean nothing except advertising for the company... these rock stars could kill the course on any ski

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  • Baller

I'm a radar fan and love my 2016 lithium vapor but I can already see the write up for this one:

Best ski they've ever made, far different from 2018, effortless offside, some combination of fast/early, etc.

I wonder, are they really that different or is it all hype? And that's an honest question, not sarcasm.

Now let the hate begin!


(LOVE the video by the way!)

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  • Administrators
@Justin_C your post is sarcastic and yes I believe there is some brand new stuff that they think is going to be a hit.
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  • Baller
So are they not supposed to work on a better ski and then go out of business. Guys slamming or being sarcastic about new gear being designed baffles me from a business view and equipment evolution standpoint.
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  • Baller

Of course they’ll say it’s better. It is. It may be incremental, and it may be a light-year jump, but it’s progression. Embrace it or keep riding that pair of Dick Pope Jrs.

I’ve ridden and liked everything since the 2010 Strada. Radar is an awesome company, and I love their method

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  • Baller
These comments are certainly fair. Perhaps I was out of line with the tone of my previous comment. I just like to think that I don't have to spend 2k every year to have a good ski. The previous year's skis are still awesome skis and will be for years to come!
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  • Baller
@Justin_C you certainly don’t have to buy a new ski every year to have a new ski. Every few years does make sense though. Some people (including me) like to try new stuff. If the manufacturers don’t innovate every year then those large shifts in ski performance would never happen.
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  • Baller
Radar has great products and think its great that they try to improve every year and love the hype. The guys who can afford the new ski`s buy them and the middle income guys like me can buy there old ones. I picked up a 2016 66 lithium vapor end of last season for $400 shipped and a pair of 2016 vapor bindings for $225 shipped on SIA. Both were near mint condition and it`s not like Nate or Freddy was skiing the ski.
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  • Baller
Early in 2017 I had the opportunity to ski with Matt Rini. He had what I now know was a Lithium Vapor prototype. He was kind enough to share with me some of the ideas behind the prototype’s build, which was very cool. Much more importantly, he said (paraphrasing) “we have a great ski now, if the new one is not better we will keep the existing ski for another year and release the new one when it is ready.” That is exactly the philosophy I want from the company that builds my ski.
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  • Baller
Trying new skis is part of the fun for me. I do it every year. The excitement of unboxing and setting up a new ride during this super short season is awesome. In the past 2 years I've tried at least six new skis and also, just for fun, revisited a 2012 S2 just last year. Myriad bindings in that time period as well. Newer skis are better, no doubt! My latest experiment is the Evo and it's a great ski.
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  • Baller
I'll also add that every ski I've tried recently has been user-friendly out of the box with stock settings and I've run up to my harder passes (-28 and up) on all of them with no real acclimation period. I think that's significant because I remember back in the day that a new ski was a huge change/acclimation. These new skis all just "work", certainly at my level, and just take slight tweaking. For example I slapped bindings on the Evo and ran 15, 22 at 34 and at 28 I needed a little more onside turn. Boots back a hole, wing +2 degrees and bam, right into 32. I'd imagine if you're shortening into 35 and deeper certain aspects are going to come out a lot more from one ski to another but for the majority of the folks on this board I'd imagine you really couldn't go wrong with any newer ski.
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  • Baller

The fact that we still have companies putting an investment into R&D...and yes...marketing for our sport is a great thing.


Connelly is obviously making a push...Goode is making a push...HO had an awesome campaign at the beginning of the season...Nautique just put out a million dollar ski boat (kidding of course) and Mastercraft keeps giving Horton Boats...for a niche sport such as our...THIS IS ALL A GOOD THING.


As soon as Radar puts out a new ARTP I will be begging them to take my money...flying down to Rinis place and taking a few sets with Cole...it...is all...good!

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