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link to the new rules regarding the new Nautique


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After reading this doc and having heard some inside baseball I have to ask..... why do we care how many hydorgate settings there are or how full the ballast tanks are or how much extra weight is in the boat for tricks? The boat owner may have a strong preference and the lake owner may have a preference but if 55% of ballast works for one skier and 75% works for another who cares?


On the flip side I do see the value in a rule (mostly trick and jump) that says you have only 90 seconds for any personal boat set up tweaks between skiers. (oooo yea and if your personal tweaks do not work the way you want them to there will be no reride)

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That is a lot of nonsense to fix what wasn't broken by making it more complicated and by all accounts, worse. It seems like the folks at Nautique have gotten too close to the trees and lost sight of the forest. I'm glad I was cut from the promo team this year and got to keep my 200.


I could be wrong about the "worse" part, as that is only hearsay. I should reserve judgment on "better/worse" until I get to drive and ski the boat. However, I don't think there is any question that they have overcomplicated things.

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  • Baller

My understanding was that tuners are either engaged or not engaged determined by rope length and speed. Intituitvely I would think that a variable setting for particular speed/ length would be more effective but would require variable actuators and significantly more testing and software development for a deployment map. That is all with assumption that the tuners aren’t a bandaid for a Hull with a less than optimal wake.


Seems much complication for little if any improvement over the 200. Glad my 2009 196 has a key ($15) vice key pad, I hate to hazard a quess on repair cost for the display/processors/actuators for the 2019

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Skied not driven as of yet, only two tournament sets. I can’t say it is better or worse than other boats without a lot more time behind it, but I can say it felt different. No pronununced curl next to wake just froth and turbulence, wakes did not seem softer but maybe wider apart. It was only two sets in the fog of a tournament.
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  • Baller
@lakeaustinskier This boat was not built for the average weekend skier. Why our sport is dying? Not sure why you would make this comment. The number 1 three event boat manufacture just spent millions of dollars and years of R&D and you are accusing them of killing the sport. Give me a break. I guess you probably thought the same think when ski companies came out with the adjustable slalom ski fin!
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  • Baller

Hey guys don’t get to caught up in the price. MSRP on my last years 2018 was over 110k. The cost your hearing are on loaded up Ski Nautiques. Just the engine option alone (6.2) can be huge. The price jump from 09 to 10 ( Nautique 200 ) had the same complaints.

I can assure you Nautique is dedicated to growing the sport. We are doing 18 Swervin Weekends for 2018. We will and have always pulled more AWSA tournaments then anyone else. Don’t forget the Big Dawg, Masters, Moomba plus the boat sponsor for the Worlds for years to come and there is another surprise coming. And as I commented in a earlier post spent a ton of time and money to build a state of the art boat for 3 event skiing that some say is dying!

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  • Baller

Price is an issue ultimately but I’m not convinced that’s a big picture problem. I have friends who are buying $50-100k pontoon boats, bass boats out of sight too. At Cabelas you can buy a decked out pontoon for $65k and make $200+/- payments for 240 months (seriously!). Just today I read an article posted by Bill Yeargin that stated the boat sales (new and used) in Ontario are on the order of 100,000 boats a year. 65,000 of them imported into Canada where the Canadian dollar is weak against the US dollar.


Point is there appears to be a market for boats generally. And the boat companies are investing into R&D to improve the boats. New models are typically a good thing.


So prices are scary high and it’s not a poor mans sport. But overall the market seems to be supporting where we are today.

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  • Baller_

This is like a Seinfeld episode! much to do about nothing!!

7 tournament weekends in a row and now driving 4 different 2019 Ski Nautiques at 7 different sites.


The Ballast for tricks is pretty slick! very effective and no nonsense as the new panaray screen puts the functions right in your face. the pumps are fast and changing settings is a breeze. same with gate settings. had no problem whatsoever making changes in the 45 second rule set down allotment. wakes are clean, big and easily balanced. Table does have a bit of texture but still less then a 200, I think the roughness is a product of the cleaver type ACME propeller. (I run a OJ on my 196 and the trick table is defiantly smoother then when I install a ACME.)


In Jump this dog will hunt. Those jumpers that think they need a three blade on the boat are out of their minds as it is overkill. trying to slow the boat down is the puzzle. when the gate is in jump mode i found my self pulling 200 plus foot jumpers on power factors of 2 and 3 instead of 4 and 5 like with the 200. the boat is very effective as A jump machine.


Driving slalom takes a little getting used to. for me it is more the driver sits low in the boat and as a vertically challenged individual my site picture looking over the deck is not what i prefer. the Boat does roll from side to side under short line conditions but I found that minimal wheel input and the boat rocks back and forth very nicely and seems to want to run straight. As far as the speed control gains for the boat I think once we start seeing the new program installed most of the soft complaints will go away. Oh and reminder that when we changed from rev Q to rev R we had the same complaints, With time skiers will adapt. Does the boat pull slalom effectively for a broader range of styles? I think so!


At top speed 35/36 mph the interior noise is deafening, probably a function of no carpet. The Sea deck does not absorb the mechanical noise as much as carpet will. However all three of the current boats that offer snap down or sea deck interior noise is substantially greater then their predecessors were with carpet.


Nautique designed a three event boat period and the boat does all three very well IMOP.

Interior ergonomics are very good. Egress and regress from the boat is easy. I wont go into overall styling but you ether love it or hate the styling, or as some have said it grows on ya!!


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  • Baller
@Jody_Seal and / or @mmosley899. I've never even seen one, but pictures makes it appear that the drivers seat is farther to port than previous boats. Is this real or just a result of angles of photographs?
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  • Baller

I received mine June 7th, the day before my jump clinic with Ryan Dodd and Swervin' Weenend. I now have over 50 hours on the boat with my seat time at least 40 of those hours. I have had absolutely zero negative comments on the the boat from skiers that I was pulling, other drivers in the one tournament I have been to, or skiers coming in while other drivers were driving.


I feel the @Jody_Seal comments above to be spot on. It is a phenomenal jump boat. I have only pulled jumpers up to the 185 range so far, but the comments have been really good. One jumper in the high 170's - 180's commented that the wake is almost non existent. That was with the hydrogate at a 5 with outstanding MT speeds and rock solid 82 meter times at a 3 power factor.


There were no slalom skiers shorter than 38 at the one tournament, but everyone I asked commented that they felt the slalom wake was an improvement over the 200. I also feel the wake is an improvement from my few slalom sets, but I am not anywhere close to being in the same league as some of the skiers above.


Lots of tricker's were trying the boat at the one tournament, all had good things to say. The trick wake with zero ballast appears to me to be about the size of the 200. I don't believe anyone will need more than 50% ballast weight, but it will be an interesting summer to see how this plays out.


The ergonomics are the best of any boat I have been in and the new screen is very user friendly. I really like everything on one page. It is very easy to learn. I received the boat without a manual and even I could figure it out, which means anyone should be able to do the same. I had heard rumors that drivers were getting lost, but it is really simple. If you end up somewhere that confuses you, just hit the dedicated home button on the jog dial or screen, you will be instantly returned to the driver's screen. I can easily read all slalom times without reading glasses. I haven't even plugged in my judges display yet. For slalom, driving has a slightly different feel, but I now feel like I can give every bit as good of a pull as I could in my 200's. For jump I feel it slides a little less than the 200, and I have pulled some VERY strong jumpers. My last few 200's were great jump boats, this one is better. I haven't even put my 3 blade on it yet, wanting to get a good baseline, but I will, and may agree with Jody afterwards that there is no need for it.


Now, to answer the "derate" questions. I run ONLY 93 octane gas. I take my own gas to tournaments. I know for a fact that a derate can and will happen on low octane gas on the 6.2. This is a good thing, the engines protect themselves and are able to handle bad gas with no damage, they just don't make maximum power. My manual on the Chevy D.I. 6.2 in my pickup reads the same way the PCM manual reads "can operate on 87 octane fuel, but for maximum performance use 93". I had bad gas put in my '16 - 200 at a regional's tournament a couple years ago which caused a derate. Jump times suffered because of it at the tournament. Although "in", the jump times on the strongest jumper were not what they should have been, even with the power factor cranked up.


The 6.2 is so strong for slalom, I can't imagine it not being able to get the job done even in derate mode. Top speed at wide open throttle in the derate situation above was down 8 mph, but that was still a couple mph faster than a 5.7 in the 200. I have never seen any other causes of a derate on my '16 or '17 6.2 200's, and I pull Diacom files a lot. Never had any instances of high temp or other causes and don't believe these engines ever run hot (including cat temp's which are monitored by the ECM) with good impellers. After skiing tonight I just pulled a Diacom file from my '19. Perfect, no derate, no codes, no "old codes", but I run good gas. My boat will be pulling MW Regional's and National's. Come ski with me and form your own opinions:)

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  • Baller
I didn't know anyone used a "judges display". Haven't seen one in years. However I haven't been in the boat at Regionals or Nationals in sometime either. @skierjp how about posting a screen shot of the matrix?
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  • Baller
This matrix explains (perhaps) why I liked the wake better at 32 off and 35 off than at 28 off - at 30.4 mph. The chart says the micro tuners are disengaged at 28 off but engaged at 32 off and shorter at 30.4 mph. My first ride behind the 2019 was at a tournament last weekend. I would like to try 28 off with the micro tuners engaged if that is possible. The rules committee's web site explains reride potentials dealing with micro tuners and the matrix. I don't claim to understand it, but that may be one reason the matrix matters. It appears the matrix can be changed in the future.
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  • Baller
The reason for the Matrix is... if you are at 28 off 34 mph or here in Florida 14 meters at 55 (micro tuners down ) and the matrix shows they are down for all the following lines and let’s say the driver forgets to select 32 off or 13 meters on the screen, you will not get a reride!
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