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One ski for 4 adults


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  • Baller

We are a group of 4 adults who love waterskiing - We're all over the age of 60 but very fit. We've all been skiing for many years and are at an intermediate level - the men are obviously much more aggressive skiers than the women.


This year we have a new boat and want to ditch the old OBrien skis. We're hoping to buy one ski that works for all of us.

The women - we're twins - are 5'5" and 120 lbs. We're good slalom skiers but not all that aggressive. We're still trying to perfect our rooster tails. The men are 5'8", 160 lbs (this one is an exceptional skier) and 6'3" and 200 lbs (this one is a solid, aggressive skier.


Here's what I was thinking - a 67" Radar Senate Alloy.

Here's my rational - The women need a longer ski for stability and a boat speed of ~28mph but the men need a shorter ski for faster turns and a faster boat speed of ~32 mph.


My next question is - will I be laughed out of the store if I ask for a universal binding to be put on the Radar Senate ski? I'm pretty sure none of us are going to be comfortable in a lace up boot. We have a universal binding on the old skis and that works well.


Any input would be appreciated !


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  • Baller

So first and foremost, I have to agree that 3 skis is your best option. At least two; mens, and womens. However, I do see where you are coming from. Having been a 100 pound 12 year old on my brother's VTC 69" ski I can attest that it just really didn't bother me a bit. I can also attest that my 16 year old, 130 pound nephew learned to absolutely shred last year on my dad's 69" P6. So I have, just in my life, two solid case studies on people enjoying skiing a ton and improving a ton on skis that are good crossover skis that are way too big for them. So, yes, I do think the women in this scenario could easily fall into that same category. It's not ideal, but my life experience has been that a ski that is too big is much less of a problem than a ski that is too small.


However, I will not budge on the universal binding. Maybe you could put up a link of what you are thinking, but when you say universal binding, I'm thinking something like what is on these skis?


If so, please don't do that. My advice would be to buy whatever size vector, or I'll even compromise and go prime binding you need to fit the biggest foot. After that, whoever has the smallest foot will still feel light years better in that big prime boot than they would have in the two-rubber-piece doohickeys.


So again, 3 skis is DEFINITELY best. But if you have your mind dead set on just one ski, I couldn't pick a better ski for the group you are discussing than a 67" senate. Prime or Vector binding in the smallest size that the 6'3" guy can get his foot into.

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  • Baller

That was so helpful - thanks everyone ! And thanks for pointing me to the direction of used skis.


My last question - if I'm going for 3 skis, what sizes to I get - a 65" for the 2 women, a 67 for the 5'8" man and a 69 or 71" for the 6'3" male?


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From a totally recreational skiing perspective, it's understandable to try to get one ski, and a 67 senate isn't a bad choice at all. It will be big for the women but at 28 and presumably pretty recreational skiing, will be fine and probably better than what you're on. It will be a little small for someone 6'3/200, but I'm 6'4/180 and ski a 67 at 32/34 and it's fine for me even if I ski at 28/30 for something, so he'd be fine. Ski wise, if you had to choose one, I think you made a good pick.


The bigger problem will be bindings. Something like vectors are "ok" for a few different shoe sizes but likely tough for the women and larger men to get comfortably into the same one. On the rear if you all use a toe plate it might be possible to use the same one but might be tight/loose for some. The front binding is either going to be loose for the girls or too tight for the men, neither are good. Safety is a concern though and I personally don't like the vectors or bungee bindings at all. If you got a larger size rubber front binding from Wiley's, the men should fit and while it will be big for the women, might be tight enough to at least ski somewhat comfortably with. I've had small feet woman ski the same wiley's that a size 13 can fit into lots of times and they were fine. Granted, this is for recreational skiing.


So if you were forced to pick one ski/binding set ($$ tight, whatever), a 67 senate, Wiley binding the biggest foot can get into, and a rear toe plate that everyone can deal with (some are somewhat adjustable) sound like a good pick and honestly will be fine for a vast majority of skiers.


That said, it's more fun to have your own personal ski setup, the kind of ski you want, a graphic that makes you happy, and bindings that fit correctly, and is also a better way to improve your skiing if that's a focus besides just getting out and enjoying a pull behind the boat. Like the others I'd push you into getting your own skis (or women can double up). Still, if you had to do one, I still think the setup above would be a lot better than what you're on now.

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  • Baller
If the 160 pound man is an aggressive skier a 65" Strada/Omni type ski might work for both him and the women. The 200 pound skier could ski on a 67" ski of the same variety. I do think the binding could be an issue but a Wiley rubber binding might be more flexible than some of the newer options. At 200 pounds and 6'3" that skier is on the edge of the 67/69 conversation.
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  • Baller

Thanks again everyone for the great feedback

What if I got the 67" Senate Alloy for the 5'8", 160 lb advanced skier and the 65" HO Freeride for the Intermediate 120 lb 5'5' women. I'll probably get a 69" ski for the 6'3" 200 lb man next year -


The bindings are another issue - keep in mind we're all over 60 year of age and don't adapt quickly :)

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  • Baller

I have to agree for the most part with all of the comments that have been made. However having coach waterskiing for 20 years and seen all different types of interest in the sport, I understand the desire to have one ski only for all of you. The 67 inch idea is a good one, but will still be a little bit small for a 200 pound man. However, If you go with a ski slightly wider than the Senate it may work just fine. Personally I would suggest the Connelly aspect and just suggest that you try two different size boots and change them out when you ski. If you decide that the Connelly aspect is too wide, my personal suggestion would be the Connelly Carbon V or the regular Connelly V. They are similar in size to the Senate. Ultimately though, at such a low price point you could simply get a 69” Connelly V for the one guy who is larger and get a 67” that would suit the rest of you. You may have to change boots out, but you could sneak by with two skis that way. Hope this helps.


Feel free to email me if I can be of further help: bookings@skiseth.com

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  • Baller

I've decided on the skis - 67" Radar Senate for the 160 lb man and a 65" Radar Lyric for the women.

I've never skied with a boot binding and I'm worried that when I fall - and I fall a lot trying to improve my turns - the ski won't come off and I'll break a leg.


Are bindings easily replaceable - could we start with a Wiley's rubber binding and once we're used to the skis, change to a boot?

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  • Baller

I think you're doing great. Depending on the speeds and aggression levels that the girls ski at, you may care to consider a Katana or a women's butterknife. Darnit, where is that radar theory when you need it? If only they still made that one.


As far as bindings, I really don't think you should be scared of the Vectors. The top laces on the vectors are very stretchy and on a good fall, the foot will absolutely have no problem coming out. However, I'm sure the Wiley's are great too if you want to kick it old school.



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  • Baller
Nothing wrong with staying with the wiley's. If you go to the boot, just make sure you don't tighten the laces too much. You should be able to kick it off pretty easily at the end of your set without loosening the laces. If you can do that, your foot should come out fine when needed in a fall.
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  • Baller
@Sethski I was thinking similar. A bit off the topic and potentially expensive but something like a MOB plate with a universal rear toe plate and different sized bindings on two sole plates could be a great way to accomplish this. I'm going to set up a second boot LFF so my brother can try my ski this summer as well.
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