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I am going a Radar Bathing Suit


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  • Baller
This talk reminds of an old post that pre dates BOS and goes back to the Nichols board. A guy was saying his wife didn't like him spending so much time (and as a result money) on the waterski board . So he had developed a solution. He kept a porn site minimized and when he heard his wife coming down the hall he would cover the Skiing site with Porn. she would barely give him a second look and move on content he wasn't about to drop another chunk of change on his boat or ski!! It made me laugh out loud at the time.
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  • Administrators
I like the idea of the ads being inspired by surf culture but I do understand those of you who found those banners too edgy or not safe for work. There will be future banners with pretty girls in bikinis but I think we now know where the line is and not to cross it.
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  • Baller
A picture of a butt in a thong bikini is problematic for most offices. Companies are touchy about anything that may be construed as degrading to someone else. I found the women to be beautiful, shoot my wife was even impressed with that booty. That's not the point. The point is that the homepage for a skiing site should be safe for me to view during lunch at the office. Also, that while sex sells, it will tee off some portion of a demographic. Why radar would be willing to do that when there are plenty of other means of grabbing attention to sell products?
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  • Baller
It's hard argue that the ad works, over the top? Maybe.......yet in today's very sensitive environment the Radar banner, Krista's and even the Manon Costard instagram pic could be considered inappropriate for the work place. But without the these advertisers we wouldn't have a BOS Forum at all.
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  • Baller

What's really bad is that @Horton hasn't fixed the title. Pretty funny at first, the OP is drooling so much he can't make a coherent title. But once the thread (unfortunately) got serious, the title is really out of place. Sad that ads can get restricted but bad grammar stays.



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