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Don't plan your summer too far ahead in the Southern Region


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  • Baller

For any 3 event skiers in the Southern Region who are planning to ski tournaments, don't plan too far ahead. There isn't a single (as in NOT ONE, NADA, ZIP, SQUAT) tournament approved for 2018.


That's the fact, Jack.

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Wow! This reminds me of the children's story about "the boy who cried wolf". For over 7 years, sanctions for the Southern Region have been approved 40 to 60 days in advance of the event. This gives LOC's time to finalize their Officials and pay their sanction fees. It runs pretty much seamless. There are almost twice as many changes to sanctions as sanctions themselves, so this method works. If we looked at the current list of S Reg sanctions you would see that many are incomplete and over half have not paid their sanction fees. This has never been an issue nor is it an issue now. And if you look at the current sanctions you won't realize that we expect about 40-50 more events to apply. Again, No problem. If I were Mr Harris ("the boy who cried wolf") I would worry about the things he is involved in. His site has not paid any of their S Reg sanction fees yet. Or what about the event that he is currently a listed official for... that sanction by its application is in direct violation of the rules! Thank goodness it is not one of ours. I appreciate everyone's concern but we are good here and look forward to a great 2018 season. Bob A EVP S Region
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  • Baller

Wow!! "the boy who cried wolf" certainly has a response to that. Thanks for the invitation to provide some more info.


First, I'm assisting a tournament organizer setup a tournament that will be held in exactly 5 weeks - from today. The last I checked, a week is 7 days. So 7x5=35. That's for anyone who can't do basic math and claims that tournaments are approved 40-60 days in advance. Also, since you haven't approved any tournaments for 2018, you didn't make the effort to see that the sanction was changed to meet requirements that are not required by the rules. That change was made prior to you making your post. Is it true that the evp receives notification whenever a sanction application is either originally submitted or changed? Maybe that's just a rumor.


Second, although I submitted the sanction applications for our club, I'm not the President, the Treasurer, or otherwise anyone else who is responsible for making payment. But I'll be sure to pass along your wrist slap to others who are responsible. The first one of those tournaments isn't until mid-June, so maybe the Treasurer plans to wait until about mid April to pay since you won't get around to approving it until then anyway. Who knows.


Third, what the heck are you talking about that I'm currently a listed official for a tournament and that the sanction is a violation of the rules but is not in our region? I'm the TC at a tournament in MS in June, and TC at a tournament in IN in Sep. Since you've alluded to something that makes no sense, maybe you can provide some details.


I suspect that you might be talking about a tournament that's coming up in about 5 weeks. The problem is when someone doesn't know the rules, they make the wrong call. For AWSA tournaments other than the Nationals, the rules require the APPOINTED JUDGES to be either Regular or Senior - that includes even Regional Championships. Class L requires a majority of EVENT JUDGES to be Senior Judges and the others to be Regulars. Class R requires all of the EVENT JUDGES to be Seniors. Maybe you just aren't clear on Appointed Judges vs Event Judge. Take a look at the chart in the back of the Rule Book. That will help you get clear on the rules requirements.


Now, I just happen to have the email where you refused to approve a sanction until all of the listed Appointed Judges are Seniors. So does someone else who commented on this post. Would you care to clarify what gives you the authority to make requirements that are more stringent than the AWSA Rules, or for that matter the Southern Region Bylaws? Please, provide the source of your authority for those of us who are less enlightened. I asked in a reply to your email and you didn't provide it then, and I'm fairly certain you can provide nothing that supports you now. Since you've opened the door, please step right on in.



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  • Administrators

I am not sure what this is all about but I have moved this discussion to a section of the web site where only USAWS members can comment.


If you are in fact a USAWS member and wish to comment but can not - please send me a PM for email. I will tweak your account.

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  • Baller

For what it's worth, it would be nice if the sanctioning process allowed for a two-step sanction.

Step 1: Enter dates, location, and organizing club of the event. No approval, no sanction number, no officials named at this stage. It is just getting the event on the calendar. This would happen very early in the ski year, for events far in the future.

Step 2: Solidify dates, location. Add chief officials, add entry fees. Add all other required info. Submit for approval. Sanction number assigned. Skiers are now able to register.


This would allow for all planned events to be visible and searchable in the online schedule much sooner. Often local clubs delay entering sanctions because not every detail is know so early on, even if the date and location are pretty well set in stone already.


The current work around is to enter a complete sanction early, even just naming "filler" officials. Then, later come back and update the sanction with the finalized names, etc. The update process can be cumbersome, and that is why many local clubs do not enter their events early in the season.

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