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Competition waterskiing is the only thing that can save the sport


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  • Baller
I agree with @theboardingschool. I live on a private lake, skiing is very important to me, but so is enjoying myself. We have numerous events here at our lake. C's and some records. We have hosted Collegiate Nationals as well. A couple neighbors always bug me to sign up and ski the event's. I have absolutely no desire. I go and check things out on event days and for the most part, it's like watching paint dry. A few people look like they are having fun, and are joking around. A lot of folks I talk to are bummed as they are so busy judging, driving ect. that when it's their turn, they don't ski well, they are tired. The idea of waiting all day to ski 3 rounds does not appeal to me at all. I think some folks have to understand that our sport is never going to be huge. Always will be a small specialized sport which is fine with me. I will say though that the B, B and B event above sounds fun, and the BOS Cash prize events we're definitely more entertaining. And I enjoy when watching the pro's compete.
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  • Baller

@theboardingschool what was your format? That’s part of what I want to do. I want people to come to public water tournaments to ski and hang out, because it’s fun. I’ve got a venue perfect for a hang-out, party, band, type tournament but it’s not really a novice friendly lake, just ask @FWinter about that. So I’m trying to figure that part out as well. I could care less about ever holding a Record tournament on our lake. I want to THROW a fun tournament, though.

So, I’m seeing it pretty clearly now, saying “competition” and “tournament” is a looser set of terms for me than a lot of others here. And maybe that’s what the discussion should be. I’m talking about people coming out, skiing the course if they can. Trying if they can’t, and everybody watching and having a good time. I’m talking a step above sanctioned practice, and a step below what so many of you have described as the traditional monotonous tournament.

A sanctioned tournament could have things other than just slalom. Maybe some folks want to barefoot. Don’t know what our judging format would be. Could that part be covered under exhibition, rather than competition?

I’m listening to you guys who disagree, because your opinions, especially the ones who have never competed, but may in a more fun, beginner type, format are valid opinions.

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  • Baller

@aupatking It's really loose. We have a running order, but as long as someone is on the dock and ready to ski, we'll pull them. We typically have a few guys rotate out driving the boat. And, I try to have guys in the boat that are fun and helpful. We just try to keep people smiling and laughing, and offer some coaching as well. We do 6 passes, whatever you want to do...run the same pass 6 times, shorten, go any speed you like, etc. This last time we have someone running the course on jumpers and a disc, and I had a lady who just learned to ski ride combos. Our judging is completely non traditional. We do scrappiest completed pass, smoothest completed pass, best crash, and best performance (which does not mean best score). We just have a sheet of paper in the boat taking notes on stuff like that, and whoever is riding in the boat is judging, and our driver usually chimes in as well.


One thing that Corey Vaughn pointed out last time, is that it was all young guys in the boat, and we had a lot of older guys skiing. Where it's normally just the opposite. Once again, this just provides a different atmosphere. We've got music playing in the boat, and people cheering from the boat. It's just super light and fun. It's how we operate every day at TBS, so why not do it for an event?


We have beers and music flowing all day, and a sit down BBQ dinner at night. Try to have corn hole, horse shoes, etc set up for kids to play around with. The one in the spring I had a kiddie pool set up for families with babies to play in. It's really more of a day at the lake, than a tournament.


I love doing them. Some of my favorite days I've had at TBS.


I really do feel events like this, Herb's Cup, Radar Nation days, etc are where it's at. We all started skiing because it was fun. Let's keep it fun!

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  • Baller
That actually is starting to sound more like the parts of collegiate skiing that most collegiate skiers love. The tournament is more just a day at the lake where the "day at the lake" part is as much the emphasis as the skiing rather than a side note. If it's just a relaxing weekend where even if you skied with your head up your you-know-where you will still have had a good time.
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  • Baller

@theboardingschool the beer and party stuff all sounds fun. Until, someone gets hurt, and you are facing a lawsuit. Unfortunately, that is the enviroment we live in. It won't have to be much more serious than a sprained ankle.


Now tell me how you have everyone sign a waiver. A good attorney will make your waiver not worth the paper it was printed on. Negligence is easy to prove, and alcohal makes it REAL easy. Love the concept, but it would scare the crap out of me if I was hosting it.

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  • Baller
@theboardingschool @ntx sounds great as @ntx says until somebody get hurt, I guess your not sanctioning the event so no insurance available? Inevitable when you mix beer water and boats somebody will get hurt, don't be surprised if it's your friend who has no health insurance and decides to sue you to cover the bill. I've been fortunate that with the two serious injuries we have had that I didn't get sued. I hope you have 2-3 LLC's you operate under, I do now.
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  • Baller

@RazorRoss3 It definitely has more of a collegiate feel to. That's what has me intrigued to do collegiate events.


@ntx I'm not saying it couldn't happen. But, it's a super laid back event. By no means it is a rager where people are getting hammered. More of having a beer or two. And honestly, you could take the beer away, and it would still be just as fun.


Yes, I have a waiver, and yes, I have insurance. No it is not sanctioned as a tournament, because technically it's not. It's no different than anyone coming to ride at TBS on a normal day.


@DW Yes, it sux that this gets brought in to discussion. Especially considering the fact I don't make any money off of the event. The first one we did completely for free, and the second one we just ask for a $25 donation to raise money for a friend of ours with health problems.

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  • Elite Skier

The point is not the beer in itself but the atmosphere that it is a part of. Each of the Buoys, BBQ and Beers events were more fun to be involved in than the World Championships by a distance. I can guarantee you that sentiment would be echoed tenfold by the people standing on the sides of Lake 2 at TBS last April and December or that 'channel' in Paris last September.


People ski for fun. I'd say the collegiate/ BB+B model is a movement back towards that. Collegiate skiing is the only part of the sport that's grown recently. The model is a success.

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  • Baller

I wish there were more non-pro events to go to around the entire country. I live in Northern WI and I haven’t ever seen events around my area. The closest pro event is the Malibu open which I was going to last summer for the first time until it was canceled. I still have never been to a tourney or a laid back “come out, ski the course and have fun” event. I would be interested in competing in a tourney but the problem is every time I look into getting a membership so I can run in a tourney and then try to find one, brush up on the rules/proceedings, it all seems a little too much just for a weekend of maybe a few runs. I just feel like it’s too hard to just go out and ski in one maybe once but who knows...


I don’t think there is any one thing that will propel the sport back into the mainstream televised event that it used to be. There needs to be a lot of working together between the big 3 boat companies, all the ski manufacturers, and a lot of motivated skiers to spread the event around to gain interest. The BBB event is a great idea for people to come out and have fun. There needs to be more of those around, and easier entry into sanctioned comps for newbies. Plus a support brochure somewhere to be a “skiing tourneys guide” that explains the entire process, staging, what to do, where to be, etc. Maybe a email sign up for receiving tourney info within a certain specified area. Spread any info on Facebook, Twitter, instagram, wherever to get more exposure. Just ease of access does tons for people especially if they have kids and busy careers.


Also, I’m still trying to teach everyone I can to ski every summer. That helps too, if you see someone watching, go up and ask if they ski or want to learn. My family has had a lot of people come out to watch us ski and I always ask if they want to run the course or just ski, but absolutely no pressure. I bet between my dad, bro and I we’ve taught more than 50 people to ski and a few to run the course that still come out with us occasionally!! Maybe they won’t be the next big pro or even stay interested forever but more people skiing will make a difference too, it spreads knowledge about the sport.

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  • Baller
ShererSkier/and or swc5150, if you want to make the drive down to La Crosse this summer you are welcome to come join us for any one of our "tournaments," sounds just like what ShererSkier is looking for. They are sanctioned as practices everything is handicapped and it is head to head format. Cost is usually about $5 for some gas and once skiing is wrapped up we have a few beers and grill out on the dock. If people want to ski more once the "tournament" portion has ended they can. We do host this on public water so you can get an occasional fisherman going by but that is just part of the challenge. I think we are doing 6 of these events this summer, let me know if you want to come down and join us this year.
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  • Baller

Lots of interesting comments and ideas in this and many similar threads like it over the years. We’re very lucky to live in a region with a really strong class C presence, extremely friendly tournament scene, young kids competing, and historically good access to promos. All on natural lakes and ponds btw.


Two years ago my boys started alpine racing. I have been amazed by the number of conversations I’ve had with individuals/ families because they know we are waterskiers. If USA Waterski could cross promote with USSA or even Nastar it would be a fantastic off-season activity for their participants. It is a great group of competitive individuals with the drive and determination it takes to succeed in this sport. At our local hill, they have 80-90 skiers on 4 different nights in their corporate race series. It’s the same vibe as our class C’s but with 10-15x the participants.


My goal for the summer is to get each of the people I talked to about waterskiing on snow behind the boat.

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