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Train With Terry Winter video lesson example


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  • Baller

Holy crap, if Terry could find 20 minutes of issues with her skiing he'd have to spend a whole day on mine. That or just tell me to take up knitting.


Great analysis Terry. You really showed how important handle control is with the side by side video.

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Absolutely brilliant. Amazing how Terry seems to change edge even before he hits the wakes. Even at 28off. Something to think about! As soon as I make a video that does not want me to quit waterskiing I'm sending it. Makes me want to consider the KD Platinum as well. Terry what is the preferred format for the video?
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  • Administrators
Hey @twhsiper if a Baller wants a video lesson like the sample with Allison what is the cost?
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  • Administrators

@twhisper Next time I am not thinking about a ski and actually working on my skiing I will have to give you some cash.


Ballers - Don't be stupid. Send Terry some video and a few dollars.

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  • Baller

That's truly awesome! May be the best teaching/info I have ever seen on BOS.


@Horton I think that even if you go ski personally with a top notch coach this style of technique dissection would be as valuable as one on one. Its one thing to be sitting at the end of the lake and have a coach tell you what you are doing and how to fix it but seeing yourself from an outside perspective and having an expert show you exactly what the issues are, and what you need to correct them is next level.

Until I saw that video and @twhisper s interpretation, I didn't realize the potential there.

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  • Baller

I particularly like Terry's description of how the shoulders do the opposite of what the hips do. ie...Hips down, shoulders up and more level; shoulders down/hips up and how this affects the roll angle of the ski.


Really great stuff!


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I agree, just about EVERYTHING important happens here, get this right and the rest comes natural...

Ride the line...

I LOVE the way you have recently started this motion SOOOOOOOOOOO early and to the hips.

Looks like you start it before the wakes. Really enjoy watching you go

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  • Baller

I just watched this for, I don't know, the 100th time. I am 10 weeks out from ACL reconstruction and looks like I will be on water at the end of May. I get something out of this video every time I watch it and it keeps my motivation high during my rehab! Thanks Terry! I wish you were East Coast!!


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  • Administrators
I was skiing with Allison just yesterday and we were discussing that she needs to review this lesson again so.... here it is
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  • Elite Skier
I'm wondering if she was able to really take a step back and focus on the key point/points and begin to implement some of the changes? I think with any level of coaching it's nice to hear some things we can improve on, but really it comes down to how well we understand what it is we're trying to achieve, and then just as important, how well can the athlete stay focused on the task to make some sort of positive change. I know with skiing its' very easy to think about some new idea or technique briefly, but then we all like to go back to chasing buoys. I know for me I have to take huge steps back, decreasing boat speeds and letting the line out in length in order to make any real noticeable changes in body position. I watch these snow ski videos where they're working on drills and new techniques, and they completely remove themselves from the competition race course. They go back to super slow speed skiing and completely isolate the one thing they're trying to change without any other distractions to take their focus away from what they're trying to change. After they make the changes, then they begin to increase the speed and intensity of the exercises to reach their normal level of skiing. I think we as water skiers could take a lot away from that model.
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  • Administrators
@twhisper I have been threatening to make Allison take rides where she stays at 22 off and really focus on what you said in your lesson. Would you advocate also slowing the boat for her to work on this?
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  • Baller
@twhisper just nailed. As a former FIS ski racer, this is exactly what we did frequently. I can't count the runs I took with 1 ski, simply to get a better feel of a proper carve, or unbuckle my boots completely to demand a proper stance. Back to basics is key for me.
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  • Baller
@ozski I've been stuck at 2.5 or 3 @35 for years. This past winter I told Terry I didn't want to get to the end of the year and end up with the same scores. The video coaching revealed the weak points and we decided to just go back to the basics and start over. Terry has posted most the information and videos on his web site trainingwithterrywinter.com. Someone said in another thread that the reason this sport is so hard is because everything is interrelated and it's hard to work on one aspect. Doing drills is a good way to work on them individually. I can tell you running 28 off at 26mph is humbling.
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  • Elite Skier
@Horton Not sure if she needs to slow the boat or not. It's kind of up to the skier to know what level they need to ski at in order to fix something. The point is, the skier has to go to whatever level is needed where they can completely focus on and implement change. Maybe for her it would help to soften the boat speed. For my skiing, I'll work at stuff mostly on my opening pass. I've been skiing since January as many days as I can, and have really only shortened the rope a few times. A lot of those passes have also been at slower speeds when the conditions have been tougher or colder. If the desired change is a major one, then sometimes that will require a major step back in speed or line length.
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  • Baller

I am having the same issue as @skispray. I am having issues wit the site. I sent Terry a message through his site and through ballofspray pm, but haven't heard back. Trying to buy a video analysis. @twhisper is site working?


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  • Baller
I have a question about the cost of a video analysis. All I see on the site is how to become a member at $19 a month. But I can't see anything on the cost of the video analysis. I know that has to be more than just the $19 a month. Does anyone know what the cost is for that?
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  • Baller

An aspect worth mentioning is @twhisper has mentioned his wife cannot do the early edge change and when she tries it result in coming in way too hot (like many of us). He can correct me but I'm pretty sure that's what he said.


So to think everyone will be able to 'just do it' is a little bit missing the point that others have pointed out -without the angle and resulting speed Terry gets us mortals will never be able to get the ski to edge change at the center wake.


Can Ballers comment on how that angle and proper is crucial to getting the early edge change.


Also the handle control which has been discussed at length on BOS is key too.



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  • Elite Skier
I think most skiers can learn to ski better as long as they are willing to take the proper steps. Trying to learn to edge change right at center line is not something that's going to be learned very easily at a skier's top speed or line lengths. In order to learn something new we have to be able to take some of the speed and intensity out of the passes so that we can completely focus on what it is we're trying to improve. I learned to keep my elbows connected to my body while I was skiing "reverses" where we would set the rope on -28', start at a speed of about 26 mph, then slow the boat down with each pass and spin on the ends. That's where core strength, balance, and technique are improved. Try running six or eight passes, slowing the boat each time, and no stopping. You'll learn how to absorb the wake with your knees, how to keep the chest up tall, and how to keep the handle low and tight. That back foot skiing, tilting the head and shoulders, and dropping the chest will not get you very far at 20 mph.
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