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Denali Mid Review Report


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I am a little unsure how I will describe the ski for the final report. What I can say is that this ski will make my personal short list of all time favorite skis.


I ran the best 38 of my life today at the onsite practice before the California Pro AM. This actually sucks because chances are now good that I will totally biff my 2 official tournament rides tomorrow but it will not be the ski's fault.


Look for the actual review in a week or two.

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1/2 at 39 today in the Cal Pro AM. The 38 I ran yesterday was as good as I can do. The 38 in the tournament today was as bad as I can do. The question about if the Denali can scrap has been answered.
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  • Baller

I watched @Than_Bogan ski his first set on the new ski yesterday and I really liked the way the ski looked. At 28 and 32 off there was aalways a tight line. The ski seemed to accelerate well and turn hard for him.


It will be interesting to see Than's back get stronger and see him get more time on the ski.

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2 @ 39 second round of California Pro Am. I've only ever done better than that once. The 38 I ran today is the 6th one for me this year but the third one in a row this weekend.
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@slow I do not think there is much tail slide. @AdamCord may correct me. It does carry a ton of speed off the ball.
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@slow , all skis tail slide, but the Denali is certainly more "front wheel drive" than other skis. The ski is designed to sit with the tail very deep in the turn. Because of that we can run a relatively "small" fin, which helps the ski to still be very fast behind the boat. Other skis run much larger fins in order to achieve stability, but this comes at the cost of more load and drag in the pull.


The way the concave and the rocker are designed, the tip of the ski doesn't "slip" down the lake like most other skis. There's a ton of grip, mostly due to the more aggressive concave, under and in front of your front foot. This allows the ski to slow the downcourse speed drastically into the turn but still carry speed through the turn, if you follow me. The feeling is that the line stays tight more easily through the turn but without the normal penalty of digging a hole and getting a ton of load. The ski just drives itself to center.

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The review is 3/4 written. I hope to take pics tonight.


I shared some of the text of the review with @AdamCord. After reading my draft Adam said he was afraid of keeping up with demand. If you are on the fence, you might want to go ahead and order before the review comes out.



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I spend most of my time at 28 off, 34mph, and I'm absolutely loving mine after only 5 outings. I've always struggled with my offside turns, but the Denali makes them feel so good and natural. The ski is blazing fast, and to me, at least, really wants you to carry speed into the turn. The turn itself is what makes the ski so special to me. It feels like it is on rails, and sets me up perfectly at the exit. I've been skiing over 35 years, and I've never experienced anything like the feeling being so stable and locked in on those turns, especially my offside.

I'm really looking forward to Horton's final review.

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@B_S This may sound sarcastic, but I absolutely do not mean it that way and genuinely want to know the answer:


If you are already in love with the ski, why are you looking forward to Horton's review?


I know why I am: I am deeply involved with this "project," and believe the review will be a benefit to it.


But frankly I find it a little odd how much significance is attached to the formal review. He hasn't exactly made it a secret what he thinks of the ski!


And that's why I am genuinely curious about your thoughts.

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@Than_Bogan I very rarely switch skis, keeping a ski typically around 6 seasons. Horton probably skis on as many skis in a season or two as I have in my lifetime. He's also developed a pretty good knack of analyzing a ski's attributes and deficiencies and writing them down in an understandable way. Therefore, I'm interested in hearing his thoughts on the ski relative to his much larger knowledge base than mine. Plus they're usually a fun read.
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@BraceMaker Every generation will be incrementally better. But if you're the "buy and hold" type, I think you have to look for those really outlying skis that jump ahead. In my personal experience the 9100 and the N1 were two such skis. I believe the c-65 is also one.


Will some future Denali be even better? Of course! But it might be a little while before one is MUCH better.

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Same situation here - after last years ARC / ARC-S hype I HAD to have one.

Initial impression was pretty promising and I felt like it offers a good potential of improving my skiing compared to my old X7 or my (even older) Z7. But after almost a year now on the ARC-S my buoy count hasn't improved as much as I was hoping for.

In fact I hopped on the old Z7 last week and was able to ski the exact same as on the current ARC-S. Quite disappointing. I'm fully aware that it's not the ski that holds me back, and if I would have invested the $1.600 in coaching it would probably have gotten me further than buying the new ski.

Nonetheless - here we are again, drooling over that magic new ski.


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I'd like to remind everyone that this is an actual sport. The athlete makes WAY more difference than the equipment. If I could buy my way to beating Nate Smith, then we'd simply be measuring who had the most money.


If you are expecting a ski to change you as an athlete, you will be disappointed every time.


However, a good ski can increase your fun and/or consistency. A great ski can bring you that AND another fraction of a buoy.

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Well said @Than_Bogan

I have just ordered a c65 and am buying it not to expect another few buoys but supporting the brand and hoping for increased consistency.

My one year old Denali is a great ski and although the new one should be better it comes down to the skier standing on top to really make the difference.

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