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Denali wins M2 at Nationals


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So OBVIOUSLY I am totally excited about this ski and my miniscule contribution to it.

But I feel like we also need to give Adam Cord the SKIER a little credit here, in addition to Adam Cord the Ski Designer.

CONGRATULATIONS to "both" of you!!

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  • Baller_
I had the benefit of seeing the set from Tower 1. Adam looked rock solid his entire set and had a great start at 39. I was almost surprised that he didn't go further. Very good skiing. Billy Susi second I believe with 5@38.


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  • Baller

He told me he basically doesn't miss 38 anymore after years of being more like a 15%'er at 38.


That's pretty cool and gives some hope to a hack like me who in my best season was about a 15%'er. Having said that; he's just better than me and no ski changes that fact!


It is interesting, though, that the timing of a big surge for him comes congruent with being on the new Denali. Has to be satisfying to be skiing so well on a ski one designs and produces.


Bummed to still be on injured reserve...would be fun to try one tho love my Vapor(s).

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  • Baller

Thanks guys, definitely a lifelong dream realized. The boat/driver/lake/ski felt awesome today, all I really had to do was hang on!


While I do think I've progressed as a skier as @6balls said it's been a huge leap forward this year. I think I first ran 38@36 in practice in 2005, and my skiing improved incrementally for over a decade, but this year has been insane. I've never had so much fun skiing!


I told the M2 guys that they are now allowed to order skis since nationals is over. Wouldn't want any of them to have one to use against me...

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  • Baller

I don't know if @AdamCord has more skill or intelligence. I talked to him and he is pretty darn smart. Watching him ski displays his athletic talent. But the persistence puts him over the top. The 64 on his ski is not the length but the generation. Got it right this time!



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Great skiing by @AdamCord and huge victory for Denali Skis. But I'm a little frustrated with Open Men skiers dropping down to ski in level 8. Sorry not trying to take away from the victory but it's just how I feel. If someone could enlighten me as to why you'd drop down maybe I might view it differently.
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  • Baller

@303Skier fair point. This goes back to the question of where do we draw the line between pros and amateurs, should we draw that line, etc.? I personally think the level 10 rule is a good idea, and that the Level 10 score should be fairly high. The level 9/OM score is so low that guys like me can achieve it, but that doesn't exactly make us pro skiers. For Instance in my opinion Cale Burdick should have every right to ski M2. He lives in Michigan for god's sake, he works full time, he has 3 kids....he's not a professional water skier. He IS really damn good at skiing though, so we should keep him out of our division because we can't compete with him?


I talked with @JeffSurdej about the Level 10 rule yesterday, it sounds like the score for us will be 1@41. I think that's a fair cutoff. Michael Bullock (top seed in M2 yesterday) is really close to that. If I run 1@41 I'll gladly ski OM and get my ass kicked by Nate and Travers. But just because some amateur has worked their way into Level 9 doesn't mean they should be skiing against the best skiers on the planet.

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  • Baller
Another point, which has no real logic, but some merit....until you win a National championship you are still getting beat by other amateurs. (I know what the rules say, no distinction). Some M3,4,5 guys win and then voluntarily move to MM, because they think it's the right thing to do. I don't know what's right, but let's not beat on Adam for winning his first Nationals.
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  • Baller

@AdamCord very fair question. Where do you draw the lines between pro and amateur. Winning money,skiing a pro event,

MM skiing big dawgs considered professionals. This has been an ongoing issue for many many many years. I believe that if USA Water ski wants to grow the sport they need to come up with a solution to this ongoing issue.

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  • Baller
@AdamCord nice skiing ,great win. @adamhcaldwell score a big victory for Denali skis. Call the "waaahmbulance" for those skiers that have an issue with Adam skiing in M2. What a bunch of crybabies!! My advice, go buy a Denali, get competitive!!!
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Again I'm not trying to take away from the victory, @AdamCord skied lights out and crushed the competition. He and the new Denali looked incredible from the shore. I even chatted with him about the new ski before I took my set. Love the new tech that they incorporated into this ski.


After hearing your thoughts and perspective @AdamCord I can see both sides and your frustration as well. Maybe level 10 is a good idea.


Great skiing and congrats on the Chanpionship!

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  • Baller

Adam has every right, and should ski M2. Congrats Cord, what was most impressive is how you were chatting with EVERYONE in the tent before you skied, to where I was starting to feel bad for you that you may have not been able to concentrate and prep properly. Answering questions, talking shop, all minutes before winning a championship. Well earned and deserved! Have to disagree on Cale as an example though, although he holds down the family and "real life", he continues to ski at the elite level, and I heard took Nate to yet another run-off at MW Regionals. I feel Cale is more a great example of the new rules of OM/MM being able to ski division for Overall. He competed years ago in M2 due to wanting to ski overall, where now he could ski OM slalom, and then all events for Overall, just not being able to place in slalom.


Great skiing again and congrats, it was fun to watch, especially going for that one last buoy!

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  • Baller

Thanks @JeffSurdej! Yes we need to find one for the President to try


Thanks @303skier and @unksskis. When we start talking about @CaleBurdick the lines definitely get fuzzy. I wouldn't be opposed to eliminating the open division and just having straight age groups. If we do that I'll let you distract Nate while I mess with his fin before we ski... >:)

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  • Baller

Thanks @MarcusBrown for shooting video of my last pass at Nationals last week.


I had taken the lead by running the 38 head wind, and with top seed Michael Bullock still on the dock I wanted to get as far down 39 as possible in the tail wind. It also seemed like a great opportunity to make sure my Reflex release was adjusted properly :#


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