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Dirt gets last place at Western regionals


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  • Baller

@Dirt is a great slalom skier and we all know it and that things happen. Others had worse Regional scores. But @Dirt 's truly lame performance happened in tricks -where he didn't even enter! I've skied with him and he is a skilled tricker. Might have been able to beat @Horton who should have won tricks if a reasonable level 10 rule was in place to deal with sandbagging. @Dirt being competitive and not entering is the biggest possible fail.



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Worst thing ever? I left my lake house unlocked and @Dirt is out there with my ski collection. I will have to search his truck before he heads home.
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  • Baller
Rode my T3 first ride today. Second ride Rico and I stole Hortons newest ski, a 67 Vapor. The new not yet released ski that skidawg has been blowing up my phone about daily. Wow. I need to make a tiny adjustment to onside but Ican tell already that I will steal/borrow this ski like the A2.
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  • Baller

After dinner, Horton went home and I went into HQ and compiled a list. Think Pinky and the Brain. Diabolical plot to take over the water ski world... Wait...no.


Monte Carlo

Nano 1


Sneak next door and steal Bob's NRG

If there is time


KD Element

New HO


I may be here a while.

I will do a complete ski review after one ride not 700.

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  • Baller

It did not go as planned. Horton suggested a Top Secret Brand-X prototype. I suspected he was trying to kill me and was apprehensive. I mounted the front binding no problem. Went to do the rear and found a weird hole pattern.

Can't we just figure out one pattern? No problem. I spent 4 hours destroying Hortons stockpile of perfectly good bindings and plates to make mine work and feel like I was standing on bare metal and nails.

Horton then ordered me to mount a trick ski for a very nice G3 skier.

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  • Baller

It is really strange to stare at 20 plus skis and try to decide which one to ride.

Day 1 2018 67 Radar Vapor

Day 2 67 Top Secret Brand-X prototype, 66.5 Monte Carlo and 67 D3 Arc blue.

Rico rode my Mapple, his 2017 pro build and a trick ski.

Bob Edie rode his brand new NRG.

Ball of Hair rode the 2018 Vapor to continue the review process and tricked. He did ski lines and a back to front, front flip crazy looking thing.

Allison ripped on her new trick ski.

We finished the day in the local mexican restaurant with beer and margaritas.

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  • Baller

I just checked the results. @Dirt was skiing Open! To qualify and participate in Open is incredible and a great accomplishment. Congratulations!




PS I take back all the ribbing about not tricking. You skied Open - that gives you a pass. You still could have done well in tricks...

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  • Baller

Final day at BOS HQ. I rode the HO VTX and Warp 14. I stopped by Horton"s house and picked up a Raptor on my way out.

Thanks for the hospitality. I highly recommend HQ as a vacation destination. So many skis so little time.

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