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Message from Facebook from Ty Oppenlander


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Ty Oppenlander

I have a brain tumor.


Yes it's true. It's big, 3.2 centimeters, and it's in a tough spot, on my brain stem. It's very rare, less than 2% of all brain tumors. I am having emergency surgery Friday to remove it. I'm about positivity and keep my posts to good news but I would personally want to know if one of my friends had this. My family and friends are my life, and if you're reading this I know you care about me. Fortunately, it can be operated on and my cousin Mark (in half my pics) is an excellent neurosurgeon. He has guided me to the best surgeon for this type of tumor. I know I am in the best hands. It's a very long, complicated, and risky surgery with many "game-time" decisions while it's happening. I am optimistic and confident it will be successful! Any little prayer is appreciated.

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  • Baller

Prayers your way Ty! C is so much more treatable these days and sounds like you're in great hands.


My best day skiing was STILL at your place a few years ago. I won't forget the extra time you took to dial in my F1 that day.

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  • Baller

I sent @razorskier1 50 song verses in 50 days about kicking the crap out of cancer. Here's one for you Ty:


I know who wins in the end

I'll never face defeat

I might get knocked down but I'm winning the war

Won't listen to you no more

I might get knocked down but I'm winning the war

You will never even the score

I'll never face defeat!


From No Innocent Victim, Never Face Defeat




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  • Baller
As we all age, we tend to run into diseases. I had to deal with prostate cancer about 10 years ago. Think that it got fixed after 43 radiation zapping treatments, but I keep getting my PSA level checked. I am very fortunate that it got caught early. Every person over age 50 needs to get checked. And also get regular visits with the Doc for this and whatever.
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  • Baller
The waterskiing family is all pulling for you Ty. The lord will be by your side and give you peace and calmness while you go through these obstacles that we all know that you are gonna get through. Please keep us posted when you can and our thoughts and prayers are headed your way.
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