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Anyone want to commiserate? WIND!!!


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  • Baller
Is it just me and just the Midwest, or has this Spring seemed to be exceptionally windy? We're pushing Memorial Day and I've been out exactly twice. By this time last year I'd practically gone through a set of glove liners... :'(
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  • Baller_
Michigan here. Yep, it's windy. A bit too much rain as well. I really don't like the look of the Jet Stream, either. It seems to be setting up for a cold summer pattern. But, we really need to get rid of the wind.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
If I were only dealing with wind I would jump for joy. Pond level is set by level of Lake Ontario. It's nearly 3 feet above average, I had my boat in for around a month, skied 3 sets then had to pull the boat and docks. Should start going down in a couple more weeks but likely will be august before we can ski again. Didn't mean to go off topic, yeah been really wet and windy spring.
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  • Baller

@Bruce_Butterfield it all depends on the site. I have skied some places where 20 mph wind barely made the water choppy. Our local public course is basically non skiable with whitecaps at 10mph.


All the rain has raised our reservoir 25' if it's not raining it's windy.

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  • Baller_

All true about the level of protection and distance the wind has to build up for whitecaps. I used to ski public lakes and appreciate thise challenges, but that has definitely made me a better skier.

I've also heard more spoiled skiers than i can count whine about a slight breeze and little more than ripples, so its one of my pet peeves. The skirt jab was pointed at that type.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller
Terrible wind and rain here in MI. I'm in a cove in our lake, and we've literally had surf with multiple high wind events this spring! Lost multiple trees in the neighborhood as well No way I'm taking my 200 OB out in those conditions, much less ski. Guess I'm a pansie!
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  • Baller
@Bruce_Butterfield We still skiing, can always find a shoreline that is pretty well protected or depending on which direction we'll go to one location or another.....doesn't always line up where a course is though, but I'll take the exercise. It certainly is more fun when there isnt' as much chop, and its been worse this year than I remember in a while. The forecast is pretty funny too. It'll show a fairly moderate wind speed, but pretty high gusts, then you get out there and is seems the gusts are pretty constant, and those lower wind speeds never really happen. Along with the wind, its been dry around here so lake levels are down.....that limits options too.
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  • Baller
Hasn't snowed here in almost 2 weeks so I got the boat in Sunday, too windy to ski open water. Only a few days in the last few weeks that I would have taken a ride anyway, lots of wind and cold. Maybe today I'll get my first ski in but the wind was kicking first thing this am, may calm down before dark, water temp maybe up to 59 so comfortable for this time of year. Water level still about a foot above summer, course might get in by Fathers Day or by July 4th, about average. 10 day forecast even has us getting up to 70 for a day or 2, short summer as usual.
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  • Baller
Wind has been bad but our lake is mostly OK with that. However, the damn rain just seems never ending and the temps haven't been all that great either. Looks like it MIGHT be improving in the coming week but my hopes aren't the highest!
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Lake was half glass Sat. A.M. but air temp was 35f after getting 20" of snow Thurs. Went snowmobiling instead, found snowpack 7' deep around 10,000'. Looks like chance of snow this Thurs. high temp low 50's Sat. might make it to 60 by Mon. Hope for no wind.
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  • Baller
Same here in NW Illinois, though I've been out approaching 20 times so far since the end of February. But the boat is in the water ready to go in about 2 minutes, so I've been taking advantage of every last bit of smooth water we've had. Last Saturday about 6pm the rain stopped and the wind went away, so I took full advantage of that as the wind had kept me off the water for nearly a week.
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  • Baller
We had the best spring snow conditions in Tahoe that I can remember. Amazing winter-like powder on many days, excellent corn snow on other days. I had such a great snow skiing spring I got a later-than-usual start with getting the boat out. I'm ready for summer now, but really want the debris to clear out soon.
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  • Baller

I had to wake my wife up Sunday morning to go skiing when I saw the water conditions. She's not real appreciative of me waking her up at 7:15 to go out. My ski buddy on the lake was busy, otherwise we usually hit the dawn patrol. But after a week of rain, I figured I might as well take advantage of it. Get out, take my set, and started getting pelted in the eyes by the mist coming down. Got back on the lift, and the wind picked up something fierce. Whitecaps, the whole works. Look at the weather station, this is what I saw:




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  • Baller

@Bruce_Butterfield you would like it at our ski club, you see skiers huddled round a mobile phone, checking wind direction, if it,s going to improve or get worse, comments like you ski first I,m going to ski in about an hour, are common place.

Fin Fiddlers have been replaced by Weathermen.

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  • Baller

Been cold and wet here in northern MN as well.


Haven't even put the boat in. Finally bought a lift and it is sitting on shore waiting for Monday when I have help....and it is a high of 60 with clouds, north winds and a chance of rain.


This is all great weather for getting projects done but dang it I want to stop being responsible and be on the water.

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  • Baller
Finally warming up here in MT, but our lake is about 3 weeks from being skiable due to low water. Frustrating to say the least. Of course the last few days have been warm and no wind, I'm sure that will change when the lake is full...
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  • Baller
Two inches rain over night, lake level up 4". Rain and wind continue today. Current temp 54. Forecasted high 14 degrees below normal average for the date. The year without a Spring. Edit.....2.5" and level up 7". Still drizzling and temp 56 at 1:00 pm.
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