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Hey Ballers


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  • Baller

Hey all! I am not interested in creating a social media shit-storm, but I thought I'd just say this to my closest group of Baller friends -- some of the best folks I know. I will keep it brief.


After several weeks of mind-splitting headaches I was diagnosed on Feb 6th with a cancerous brain tumor, about 2 inches around in the right parietal lobe. It was removed in a 5 hour surgery on the 10th. At my insistence, we left the hospital less than 18 hours later. I've been home since and honestly feel better than I have in quite some time.


At this point the road ahead is talking to three more experts, then six weeks of chemo and radiation starting March 6th along with continuous monitoring of blood, cancer, etc. Beyond that the future is quite a bit less clear in terms of treatments, schedules, etc.


That's the bad news. The good news is I'm stubborn and strong, I have a great family, great friends, great doctors, health insurance, and financial resources to address this head on.


I don't plan to turn this update into a clinically detailed blog -- you would all want me to die if I did that! Just wanted to loop y'all in.


Doctor says I have no physical restrictions. Good. I was in the gym two days out of the hospital and have been there 4 more times since and have been walking with my wife every day! Cancer never sleeps -- neither do I bitch!


So . . . life is interesting. I've been dealt cards I didn't like in the past too, but you still have to play to win. Somebody threw me the Joker -- I still like my odds!


Please don't spread on FB or other social media. If you want to message or contact me do it direct at jim.ross@peregrine.com or cell at 612-298-7173. I don't want @Horton collecting a bunch of web traffic just for me!



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  • Baller
YIKES! I love your attitude and wish you the very best. There must be some offshoot of the wildlife protection agency that you fall under for a grant of some sort. We're an endangered species and we need you to stay with the flock. Kidding aside, there is a well known spiritual (not religious) book called "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind", you might want to pick up. Combine the right thoughts with will power and we can accomplish amazing things.
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  • Baller
All the best to you and yours from the Calderwood family. Our father has been fighting the fight like the Irishman he his for 2 years now. Between your positive attitude and the breakthroughs that seem to coming around constantly these days, you got this!!
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  • Baller

Chasing, chasing, chasing.


We do finally have a plan. I will be entering a radiation clinical trial at Mayo on March 6th, 5 days a week for, six weeks, along with chemotherapy. In the meantime life has been a bit of a blur -- doctors, appointments, prescriptions, phone calls from the same! Nice to have a plan, but it doesn't get less busy!


Monday of next week treatment planning all day at Mayo. Tuesday morning more at Mayo. Tuesday afternoon plane to Houston to see MD Anderson for a consult. Thursday back from Houston, have a weekend at home and then on to treatment.


For now, it' time to go to the gym! Susan and I are cranking the exercise. I don't plan to shrivel during therapy -- I plan to grow!

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  • Baller

Average???? At nuthin I've seen.


Anyone else here run 12 consecutive 35 off passes after a 28 and 32 opener without missing a ball just cuz you can? How about 30 consecutive passes any length...on your third set of the day? It was only practice behind an average driver (me)...but who has run 39? (Ok I know some of you have but just shut up for effect here, eh)? Anyone snapped three ski ropes in the same day slalom skiing?


60 lb dumb bell curls for 30 reps per side? Anyone?...going once, going twice. Let's throw 1000 lbs on the leg press for sets of 10 until your little brother vomits (yeah, that would be me). Add a black-belt to that and yes you get a scary MOFO.


Hmm...anyone else start dunking when they were 5'9''? Who among us has taken down a glass backboard on a dunk? (um...I think there may have been 2 of em for Jim if memory serves...did the parents make you pay for the second one?...I'm thinking they did).


I'm not going to count how many kids thrown in the air, bounced on a trampoline, pulled on a tube or taught to ski. Big brother made a man of me along the way, too...no average brother for sure.


There's no average about it...and there's no losing here. Time to kick some butt...my boy...he can eat 50 eggs!


PS: ok, if he were a better driver I would have better practice scores....like for sure.


Speaking to the tumor:


"Unlock the dark destroyer that's buried in me

My true vocation

And now my unfortunate friend

You will discover

A war you're unable to win"


Indestructible by Disturbed


F&%# Cancer!



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  • Baller

Mr Ross, I can't use the verbiage I sent to my lifelong friend, cousin, and ski partner, @art90notch when we first read your post but, I can paraphrase to say that cancer is in the wrong man.

I pray for you sir, very seriously. You're an impressive father and skier. "A good man" is not a term I use loosely, but you sir, I believe are that in spades. Only from meeting you at BOS Austin and again at Skiwatch. I'm impressed and inspired by you sir.

Again, I pray for you, your recovery, and all who support you

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  • Baller

Good luck, I hear that Mayo place is pretty good.


Here is hoping you get a chick named Sheri at some point in Therapy. Or Jen D, or Emily B. Sheri skis and is a good time. Or if you get a chick named Randi I promise you will piss yourself laughing. And if you see them tell them Jerky, aka Robb says hi.


And has been stated and I'm sure your brother can attest to attitude is the single most important thing and it sure sounds like you have that covered.

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  • Baller_
When I was at Pan Am's a few months ago, the area around the starting dock had a bunch of famous inspirational quotes on the wall. The one that stood out was from one of the Rocky movies - "Its not how hard you can hit, its how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward".

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller
@Bruce_Butterfield great quote. I saw that too and it caused me to pause. I have been fortunate to have been able to keep moving forward after being hit pretty hard myself. Lots of love, prayers and awesome friends help a LOT. This community has all that over flowing.
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