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2017 radar senate graphite


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30.5 on a semi wide 67 makes sense to me.


@gyoung please never trust "middle hole". Always always always always always always measure!

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  • Baller

Thanks for the set up numbers! My 2017 Senate Lithium is in and want to pick it up in a few days. Now I know how to set it up.

Am 185, 5'11" and ski 15-22 off at mostly 34. Will keep watch for alternate settings as this ski gets riden more.

Pumped to get out once winter releases her icy grip here in SW BC.


@eddie_roberts_jr As I am not a shortline skier I remove the wing as I have heard that until you ski past around 28 off the wing is not really needed. I find it easier to get wide without the drag of the wing. Does this change set up recommendations?

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  • Baller

It sounds like this might be theski for me. I'm 195 lb 5'-11. Ski mostly at 32 in the course, 22 off completed about 25% of the time. Haven't gotten too far into 28 though. Free ski about half the time, always at 34 with 28-32 off.....sometimes in lots of boat waves. Current ski is Connelly FI..... Jamie was my inspiration

We're going to orlando this weekend. What ski should I demo? I don't want to remove the wing, does it matter? My 16 year old daughter " might ski" if it's a low stress site....any recommendations?? Thanks for any and all advice. Ps it's snowing heavily in toronto and we really need to get away.

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