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Too Hot To Ski


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  • Baller
For the sub tropics we have had a hot dry summer, first time I've ever thought this but during the heat of the day its just too hot for me to be bothered putting on the ski. Water is well north of 30c and you sweat before and after a set, skiing late in the day is fine but not always practical. Summer rains and storms usually bring the lake temp down but this year there has not been enough so it feels like skiing in honey... Maybe this is global warming.
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  • Baller

Water 36c, air 45c. That day might have pushed the heat limits at my lake last summer.


I don't feel sorry for you at all. Especially since right now I'm cuddling with a space heater waiting for the next winter storm.


Hot water rocks for slalom.



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  • Baller
Man, if we had 30c water in houston all year round, I'd be down like a clown. That's only 86f. That's only 3 degrees higher than what a lot of sports physiologists say is the perfect water temperature for performance. We regularly see 36C/95F water temp in the summers. Now THAT is warm.
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  • Baller

So this is how it played out yesterday... It got much uglier after I left and today most of the vegetation around the perimeter of the lake is carbon now. Its going to take a while for the wind barrier to regenerate sadly. I think they were running 3 water bombing choppers trying to get it under control at its peak.




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Skied in 98f water. Just sucked the energy from you and feels like the ski had no speed. But take that over 40f water anytime. But as stated above in Houston we see over 90f water all summer. Surprised sometimes it isn't boiling out there.
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  • Baller

Unbelievable. Would never think of that in Ohio. Hope Mother Nature does her thing asap!


Regarding the title thread, it gets very humid and hot in NW Ohio sometimes. I remember one day the air was around 100 with very high humidity, water temp felt like piss water, and I can say I stopped in the middle of my round because I felt like I was going to have a heat attack. Was not enjoyable at all.

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