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2016 Ski Season Look Back


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  • Baller
Every year in retrospect is special because it was another year doing what I'm passionate about and another year solidifying friendships forged through common ground. This year started off a little slow for myself and the pterodactyl (we both broke our hands in the middle of may). So....slow start....strong finish. I didn't have a tourney pb (only a bouy away), but I finished with my highest average and ranking on the iwsf. Fun stuff. However, the real icing on the top was the weekend adventures traveling and competing with my Little. She over came many obstacles to break the G1 regional record several times, won regionals (had to miss nats due to injury) and had huge pb gains in practice. This was definately my most memorable year simply for the memories created with the Little Tiger. Lofty goals are already set for both of us next year, with a bit of luck (fingers crossed)-----2017 summer will be the next most memorable year ever.
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Our season never really ends here, maybe Jan/Feb might slow down or shutdown depending on the weather. But this "year" was a mixed bag. Had a late late start really and was not in shape for it due to various issues that kept me off the water, off the bike, and out of the gym. Only made one tournament but got into 35' all three rounds which was my best 3 round avg ever. Usually only would really get into 35 one maybe two rounds. Been running a lot of really nice 28's and 32's. Just can't seem to get anywhere at 35'. Is not like it feels bad, in fact feels like 32 at the start, nice gate/1 ball, early to 2, but by 3 ball I am so narrow it is over. Hoped to run it once this year, and since the year is not over I am still hopeful!
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  • Baller

Need to update my previous post after my recent trip to Florida to end my season.


Ran 35off for the first time on day 2 of 3 and ran it every set there after, had an off the dock pb of 5 at 35off and Ended up with 1.5@purple on my last set just to try 38, which ended the trip with a 4 buoy pb.


More importantly I came away with a greater knowledge of how to ski and ski well. Now the long wait til spring 2017 will be even longer, so I will likely be lurking here for my ski fix (and trying somehow to make a miracle trip to the sunshine state happen.)



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Looking at photos... a few other things that happened this year


Stabbed myself with calipers



Destroyed some expensive meat



Took Buford Danger skiing





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After a great start with making finals at Moomba Masters my year turned into a bit of dud. I skied more pro events this summer than ever before, which means I spent more time with a lot of good people (and I made some money at the black jack table with Tom Brantley!) Though, I didn't make it into finals anymore...


My season was cut short by a partial rotator cuff tear that I got at Malibu Open, I continued to ski but eventually got an MRI and decided to quit skiing and start physical therapy. I was able to get 147 sets this year.


I spent too long experimenting this summer. Willingness to learn in this sport is important, but since I don't make the sacrifices that other skiers make, I don't have enough time for that crap! Next season I will be more decisive about settings!


I like that other people realized that this sport isn't all about themselves and so I'll follow suit...my wife slalomed her PB (with Nate Smith driving of course, which she won't let me forget) and my daughters both improved while having lots of fun. And we just bought a new boat yesterday!!! Can't wait for next year.

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  • Elite Skier
2016 was fun, I skied a lot of sets! the beginning of the season was good, went down to FL and skied with Brooks at the boarding school to get some early season training in. Got home and came off to a slow start, I just wasn't having great practice sets which then translated to poor tournament sets. Mid season, my training partner Tyler Yager gave me a book on the mental aspects of sport. I started focusing more on the mental part of our sport then technique. Instead of getting down on myself after a bad set like I would here and there, I learned what can happen when we change our mindset. I started having the best sets I've ever had. I only skied one pro tourney up in Sacramento at the Cal Pro am, although it didn't go as planned. After that, I was stoked to finish strong with my best tournament sets ever. I got my 2017 Radar Pro Build dialed in; looking forward to going into the 2017 season with a different mindset, and definitely planning on hitting more pro stops.
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