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  • Baller
I am looking at paddle boards to use around our lake. I have only ever used the Costco variety of SUP but am curious, is there a huge difference between the Costco SUP's and the ones from companies like Radar or Connelly? Are they worth nearly double the price?
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  • Baller_
My neighbor has 4. All different shapes and sizes. All feel different in one aspect or another. Like skis there is a large variety. And like skis, if your buying them at a big box store, quality and performance would be more suited to light use and beginner levels.
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  • Baller
I bought the radar inflatable. Easy to use. easier to move from lake to lake or river. comes with carrying case and paddle. I bought a carbon fiber paddle online. super light and makes it easier for the wife and kids to use.
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  • Baller

I have a BIC Dura-Tec SUP that I use on the lake for general exercise. It isn't the fastest but it is fine for getting a sweat going during the summer and I don't need to worry about the kids banging it around.


I am thinking about getting an upgraded SUP for our beach house that will be used on relatively flat ocean water.


If you are just looking to beat around a lake what you can buy at Costco is probably fine. It certainly would serve to see if you like it then decide if you want to upgrade.

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  • Baller

I bought one a few years back from a SUP shop. Asked him the difference between like a BIC and Connlley or the like and top SUP brands.


He said the BIC was pretty cheap, (yeah he wanted me to buy his stuff) and that the stuff from ski companies was mildly better.


That said I ended up buying a Starboard 12'. Super stable, I can bury the rail and have water covering 4" and not issues. Paddles well, not as fast as a touring or race style but it goes well. Best part is that the wife and I can put a kid or two on it with one of us and just go. While not suggested we can also grab some drinks and a cushion and I paddle while my wife sits. Granted we are light and under the weight limits.


That said I am glad we spent the extra dough after looking at what Costco and places like Dicks or Scheels sell. And I can stop at the local shop with questions, service or if I want to sell mine and upgrade. And when we do it will be for a smaller more challenging board or a touring model.


Naish, Starboard, Idol all seem to make good boards.

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  • Baller
I have a connelly. I question the durability as it has several dents and cracks. In its defense, we were involved in a tornado on a houseboat trip on norris a couple years back which started some of the damage. I used epoxy resin to fix dents and holes from that adventure, but other cracks have appeared, since. Kids use it so who knows. My friends have surf tec and they seem far more durable.
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  • Baller



A bit off topic.

They where originally mainly suited for Military purposes. Sneaking up on enemies over swamps.

I think that they where not so successful since the soldiers could not move so fast.


Some was used for hunting. One could have a small chair to sit on while hunting.


Even the post office used or consider to use them . Running over small rivers with messages (Göta kanal).


I have read an DIY article in a Swedish newspaper on how to build them in wood and canvas. I do not know if I can find it again (read it in a library while still at school)


They also used aluminum in some skis.


I want to see your skis.


Best luck!

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  • Baller

@dchristman Prior art - my son built a pair in high school for a walk on water contest.


His were unstable and unwieldy. They always looked kind of fun. But one of their constraints was the contest $ cost limit. Just the foam and duct tape got pretty close to that. A fancy carbon molding might have potential. Add a SUP paddle and that could be a fun lake toy. The proven history in Europe makes it more interesting.


Now I just need some free time...



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  • Baller

I bought the Radar. It is definitely heavier than the YOLO that my friend has but seems durable.

I love it but some of the foam strips are starting to peel off a little.

I wish it just had a solid piece...also wound make it more comfortable on the feet. l8d9m5119lxz.jpeg



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  • Baller
I purchased a SUP from costco last summer (online version). They are called SUPUSA for Costco, and made by SUPATX. I purchased the 11'6" version, and love how the board glides/tracks. I think it is quite a bit lighter than the Connelly or Radar versions due to less glass/resin in the buildup, but I would take lighter over strength personally. As far as an all around board for cruisin the lake or river, I am very happy with mine.
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  • Baller


If I were to do it again I would rather have a lighter one as well.

I HATE hauling mine up and down our big hill in the back yard! I really hate it! LOL No way I would be hauling it around the city!


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