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Please sign petition: Save water skiing in VA


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  • Baller

There is already a discussion on this topic but the title is not too descriptive. Link here


Currently it is illegal to ski on Chickahominy lake in New Kent County, VA. This is a public lake. Back in 1974 one of the county board members who owns a camp ground on the lake and rents fishing boats, got a law passed to ban skiing.


This Monday at 6:00pm the board is having a meeting to hear the public speak on this matter.


I have called USA Waterski and got the phone number of the person who is in charge of water way advocacy. I left him a message today.


One argument against skiing was that the lake is too small (1230 acres). I plan to print some google maps screenshots of much smaller private ski lakes to disprove this argument.


Anyone who has been through similar issues before have any tips?



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  • Baller

If you are in Virginia and there is anyway possible please try to be at the meeting. We need more water skiers than bass fishermen to show up.


Chickahominy lake is an awesome place to ski and we really need to get this changed.

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Get an overlay of the slalom course and place it over the lake. You can show how many "official" slalom courses can fit in the lake to show it is plenty big enough. If you can, figure out how many you can put in the lake and report that the lake is "big enough to have 50 slalom courses in it at one time." Sometimes absurdity makes the point.


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  • Baller
Take a moment to think about how this might play out: Ban on Wake sports vs. water skiing. Not sure that this is a good strategy, but if the arguments against towed water sports are heavily targeting the disruption and damage of wake sports; then maybe you can offer to help get the revised ordinance to be written in such a way that only traditional water skiing is allowed.
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  • Baller

Possible language: "Towed water sport boats are allowed for sports where the boat's hull or wake is not designed or enhanced in such a way to create a larger wake, as typically used in wake boarding, wake skating, or wake surfing."


Or something like: "Boats designed, modified or marketed as optimized for wake sport usage will not be allowed."


Side comment - I know and fully agree that our sport is dependent upon the sale of wake sport boats. I also recognize that the comments above echo the "us" vs. "them" mentality. I am just also pointing out that the potential opposition faced at @Bill22's lake might be more due to perceptions of wake sports impact. The non-skiing population may not even think about segmenting towed water sports into sub groups such that some groups might be allowable while others limited.


PS: Wake surfing is a freaking blast! If you haven't done it, you're missing out. (Just don't do it on my lake. LOL!)

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  • Baller

"USA Water Ski recommends that a competition ski lake be approx X feet wide and Y feet long for safe and optimal skiing. By those standards, Chickahominy Lake is Z times bigger than the recommendation."


See, no mention of courses!

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  • Baller_

A "typical" ski lake with a slalom course is 2000 feet +/- x 200, or about 10 acres. If your lake is 1230 acres, you have enough room for about 123 people to ski safely at once (although after the first pass everone would have pretty crappy conditions and it would go down hill from there...). Said differently, a water skier skiing in a 2000x 200 area uses .008 of the total area of your lake. If skiing is limited to one area and one skier at a time, then the idea that you are taking over the whole lake is easily disproved.


I ran a tournament on a non-motorboat public lake a couple summers ago. There were two types of people that opposed the tournament. The first group thought that the boats would be noisy, the wakes would cause erosion, gas would be spilled in the water and no one else would be able to use the lake while we skied. After the tournament, this group conceded that none of those fears were realized. The second group just thought that the activity was inappropriate for the lake, notwithstanding that a prior Nationals and Regionals were held there along with probably 30 to 40 other tournaments. This group can't be reasoned or argued with because they have a philosophical position that can't be overcome by facts.


USAWS has a lengthy document that provides a lot of data on noise, erosion, etc. I found it pretty helpful, but out-dated in some respects. Her's the link: LINK


Good luck, You are doing God's work... Well, sort of.


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  • Baller

Wonder if the ban includes wakeboarding, wake surfing, or barefooting?

After all, they are not water skiing! Lake Holly in VA has hosted

many tournaments, including one World SL record. It is a relatively

small lake. There's Picture Lake in Petersburg; probably not in use now.

1973 Nationals there had a whole crop of US National records.

Those older sites and newer ones could be found on Google Earth, and printed

out, maybe side-by-side to a view of Chickahominy, at the same scale.

Would be interesting if you could prove that the law was passed only because

of one person's influence.

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  • Baller

@Nautibynature You are fighting a local ordinance. What significance do signatures from out of state carry? You need local signatures for a local vote. It's not that we don't care, we do but we really have no dog in this fight.


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It is public water, you can come here from anywhere in the world and use the lake. You do not have to be a county resident. I think it would have been beneficial to have some top people from national organizations call the supervisors and have a discussion. Let them know that folks on the national level are watching what they do with this. I personally don't think it matters how many people sign a petition. Public water is public water and this ordinance has no foundation or purpose. It's very existence represents small town good ole boy politics, the arrogance displayed by the obvious conflict of interests is unbelievable. I didn't start the petition, but I will support it. It might make a difference to one of the supervisors, it might not. When we started this back in July, several people in the county laughed and told us this issue would never see a public hearing. They are not laughing now.
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  • Baller

Looking at the background info it appears that it is currently illegal to ski on only one side of the lake?


Interesting that they didn't just pass a horsepower limit on the lake, that is what they do around here on lakes that are designated as DNR fisheries or lakes that are small and primarily used for fishing.

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  • Baller_
@oldjeep, I don't think they would pass a horsepower limit. Those dual 300 horsepower motors on the bass boats wouldn't be allowed. And, that would serious impede their efforts to get to the right fishing spot in under 3 seconds.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller

My first thought was I'm in FL what difference do I make? In reality not much but as I do tow my boat to VA twice a year just to ski, and drive there a dozen times a year. I could very easily choose to spend my time in New Kenty County if they could fit my interest (skiing).


My other thought to this which I'm sorry if it's a thread jack but recently USWSA had a questionnaire (maybe it was on here) about what they could do to increase membership etc. I'm not a member as there doesn't appear to be an advantage for me to be a member, I'm already well insured without them and doubt they would help me on establishing a ski course on my local chain or any other amateur skiing in VA trying to water ski with their family on their local lake. I challenge an organization to stand up to this ordinance, follow through and fight it. In return, I will sign me and family up for a membership as I'm sure others would.

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  • Gold Member

@oldjeep The benefit part is clear: Without public lake skiing, the end of tournament skiing is likely to follow shortly.


As to standing, I have no clue. But since when did legal standing stop good lobbyists?


I am one who believes USAWS's main purpose should be lobbying. If not, then it should be a razor-thin official sanctioning body.

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  • Baller

Sorry I have not been able to respond to questions or comments it's been a very busy day. I'm on the way to the meeting now and I hope all goes well.


@Chef23 we put this in the members only area because we did not want some local newspaper to find it and then ask about a course. If the older members on the board hear anything about a course it would kill our chances.

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