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Gabi Viljoen wants to know what beer you drink.


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Skier / Student Gabi Viljoen is doing a project for her marketing class at Rollins College. If you can take 2 minutes to fill out her survey it would help her.



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  • Baller

Did the survey, but it was all about conventional beers. Nothing about craft or non-US beers. Currently, for me, it's the best bang/buck, such as Natty Daddy or Steel Reserve.

On the other side, from when I started drinking beer back in the Animal House days at college,

to the present time, I would probably be some $50,000. better off if I stuck to water/seltzer/etc.

And, a few pounds lighter.

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  • Baller

Sort of miss the college days, when the Nanny State etc., were less intrusive. And, when the

drinking age was 18. And, when you might have a keg on tap 24/7 at the basement bar in

my fraternity house.

All in all, instead of sending me to college, my parents should have gotten me an apartment

above a bar and next to a whorehouse for a couple of years. Then, on to college, to buckle

down to getting an education.

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  • Baller



Of the beers on the survey, I'd say I only drink Coors Light, and that's when I'm "dieting."


I meant to post this in the @MS and @skidawg beer thread a while back. This was my post-ski beer fridge at the height of the summer. Need to get back to visit @"Mateo Vargas" to restock my West Coast beers!



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  • Baller
Even in college I drank better beer than the swill the survey asks us to rank. Gotta love the overloaded shelves in onside 135's fridge- the sag is kinda scary, a lot of fine brew could be spilled if that top shelf gives way.
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  • Baller

Bummer that it was so major brand oriented. At least I got to mention Ballast Point, Deschutes, and Sierra Nevada (which has become pretty major itself). I would've liked to have listed a few more.


I don't give a good ding dang what a beer costs.

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  • Baller
This will show my age. For my 5 years at East Lansing, Tom's party store had a standing special. A 6-pack of Old Milwaukee in the short keg bottles, $1.00 tax included. Wasn't the greatest beer but on a students budget who cared!
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  • Baller_

Back in the collage crap beer days, we had an agreement with the local liq store to buy a 1/4 barrel of Michelob every Wed from Sep-Apr. 18.80 for the keg.

We would watch the Fall Guy and Dynasty.

Move it up to 2015 and I would never touch a Mic or watch a stupid show like that.


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  • Baller
In college we used to get a case of decent beer to get started and then lots of Schmidt or Black Label (cheapest beer around, cheap in every way) to continue. Dollar Pitcher night at Dante's (local bar) was always packed and great place to pick up chicks. Always liked Alumni events, they brought better beer, Seattle has lots of good beer.
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  • Baller
@slow Your lucky (unlucky?) if it brings back memories. I have to rely on pictures. Very thankful that was before the digital age and I have them all (I hope). Well, I guess I remember walking there...
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  • Baller

I kind of remember my progression. Started with Miller Lite, switched to Leinies Original longnecks about a year later and stuck with that through college. After that I drank Michelob Golden Light at the bar for a while, until I gave up going to bars.


Started homebrewing and that ruined cheap beer for life for me. Gave up homebrewing (because it's not helpful in keeping your weight under 240# once your metabolism goes away).


Now I have 5 beers that make the rotation, pretty much. Shocktop Honeycrisp Apple Wheat is my utility beer (forgive me, I like the taste), Summit Summer Ale in the summer, Summit EPA and Saga in the winter, and a Surly Furious when the mood hits me.


On the boat once in a while I'll have some Summer Shandy or Corona with a lime.


And every beer, save Surly, comes out of a bottle. Surly gets poured into a glass. Drinking canned beer out of a can is disgusting.

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