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Syndicate A3 vs S2


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  • Baller

I had the S2 67.5 with step bottom and speed skin and I had the A3 68". Loved the S2 found it to be very stable, quick and required very little effort. The A3 I found to be totally different. Never felt I skied two passes the same on the A3. I made my passes but at the end of most I would think what the heck just happened.

S2 was sensitive to binding position but when I found the correct spot the ski was great and didn't need to work on the fin. I was never able to get the A3 dialed into my liking. Moved to the V-Type and loving it.

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  • Baller

I demoed the S2 when I was looking to change from my A1 some good things there but my scores were worse, so I wasn't tempted to buy. Went to the A3 and I liked it right away, definite upgrade for me. Faster and better offside turn. Only thing I would say is maybe not as stable as the A1 or S2. 34mph and sometimes running 32 off.




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