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speed vs line length


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  • Baller

I really hate 15 and yesterday just did not feel like dealing with it. I cut the line straight to 28 and went out at 32mph. Felt so much better. I did not run first pass but got thru 5. Next ran it fairly easily so decided to give 32 a crack. Ended up 3@32.


I feel that starting at 15 may be wearing me out so by the time I get to 28 I'm spent and don't get much practice time there. I thinking about skipping 15, slow to 32mph and start at 22.





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  • Baller
I know a lot of people who do that. I was always a fan of being at max speed and longer but I've found I'm more the exception than the rule. If you aren't spending more than 1 or 2 passes a set at your opener I don't think it matters either way.
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  • Baller
I've got a buddy who will go out in tournaments at 15-32 then next pass 22-34. When it was the old DOS based wstims scoring, it would leave the scorers wanting to kill him. LOL. Now that said, I'd rather him go out at 22-32, then 22-34. But to each his own. Do what works for you. I spent a season going out at 28-32mph for my opener, then 28-34 for a second pass.
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  • Baller

15 is LONG, so if you are running 22 off and some at 28 and 32, by all means get rid of it! one of the best things I ever did for my skiing was remove the 15off section. I will drop the speed frequently 1-2 km/h.


Rounding 6 buoys at a bit slower speed is better than banging your head against the water at full speed. Very easy to ramp it up when needed. You do want to get into a rhythm though, so wherever you start you should be running the pass almost all the time.



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  • Baller_
If you can run 28 off, I would drop 15 forever. My starting pass is 22 off at 32 mph. I get midway through 32 off at 34 mph. I don't miss 15 off one bit and get a decent warm-up with the 22/32.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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