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Finally out on the Water !


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  • Baller

My 4 y/o son has pretty much been a scaredy cat since day one. Scared of his own shadow. Until recently he wouldn't even walk on a floating dock out to the boat in fear he would fall in. I really hoped for an early start on the water with him ,but also didn't mind that he has had total respect for water and the dangers. I'm

Not really sure what changed this last week but he raced BMX for the first time , after only being off training wheels a couple weeks, and this Saturday decided to give the ez ski a try. After a 1 pass was already no handing it. I'm proud as can be but now I gotta watch out for this kid. He grew some balls this last week !!e9k3fjo5nx9j.jpg



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  • Baller
Congratulations! My boys are 6 and 8 and I'm also having trouble getting them interested in progressing. Both of them will only ski on the boom and seem completely satisfied with that -- and then they just want to get on the tube. I don't want to shame them by showing them pics and videos of younger kids skiing 'behind' the boat, but I haven't yet figured out how to motivate them.
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