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What's so great about the Green gloves?

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  • Gold Member

Seems like time for a separate thread, but elsewhere it was shown that quite a few top competitors have been competing in these:




To my eye, they look like those cheap gloves with no grip and that wear out quickly. OBVIOUSLY NOT! So what are the features of these that make folks like CP, Regina, Chad Scott use them?

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  • Baller

I had a pair of Pro-Gear gloves for a while and the idea behind them was that they gave you better feel for the handle. The grip was very good but the protection for me was minimal. I do have wimpy hands though. As a result of the protection issue I didn't get a sense for how durable they were.

I don't think CP, Regina and Chad are probably that worried about how fast they wear out.

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  • Baller
I heard they are a new wireless transmitter that works off electric pulses traveling from the brain to the hands. These pulses actually control the fin on the new GOODE ski like a rudder on a boat. Apparently you can't miss 39.5 with it............ and if you have big hands it is hard to miss 41 on it............
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  • Baller
They have fantastic grip, are thin for those that like to really feel the handle, and last longer than any other glove in warm florida water, personally I like a double layer amara palm, but I really connect with the handle differently with these in terms of adding and releasing pressure into and out of line tension
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  • Baller
Yes. They come in both colors. They might be sold out if the day glow. @OB has some and can tell you about sizing. I tried his on the other day and I really liked them and I'll be ordering some soon.
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  • Baller
Gloves are great Chet talked me into buying a pair at the sr worlds. I had the same thoughts they look cheap and they will tear up quickly. Not the case, they are very durable grip like no others and dont tera up the hands. I think scoke is keeping track of sets per pair and is getting about 75 sets before they tear i am probably near the same. They run big so i would size down when ordering you wont be dissappointed
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  • Baller_
Just got mine and tried them last night. Awesome is all I can say. They are the next best thing to the Overton's Attacks that they quit making. I just wish I could get them on closeout for 12.00 a pair like I did with the Attacks. Like Chad said, they run big. I got Med and they fit great but they also make a Med large.
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  • Baller
I was surprised how much I liked having the feel of the handle with these gloves vs. minimizing the feel with other gloves and liners. I switch between these and my 41tails depending on how my hands feel. Each glove wears down my hands in a slightly different manner.
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  • Gold Member
I also tried them recently and did not have the same experience. They looked cheap, felt cheap, and the velcro stopped holding by the end of the first set. No clue what the fuss is about, but obviously they are working great for a lot of people, and are relatively inexpensive to try.
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  • Baller
I liked them at first, but found my old medial epicondylitis seemed to be coming back. Went back to my tail 41's and it went away. My wife on the other hand tried her tail 41's and hated them. She's sticking with the MSN. I may give it another shot in the spring.
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  • Baller

Been rocking MSN White/Blue most of the summer and I love them. This is the first pair of gloves I've found that can replace my 7 year old totally-worked-in-and-full-of-holes HO RPMs, and it seems like I've tried them all. The only negative is I get ripped on by my buddies for having what they call "golf gloves" on. "Nice set there Foot Joy!"


I love how the white pops out in videos so that I can see exactly where my handle is when reviewing footage. I also like that not many other people get the white gloves so keep buying the yellow ones, people. They are better than the white ones (I'll just go ahead and start that rumor).

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  • Baller
I got a pair of yellow recently. They are ugly but they are amazing. They feel like wearing a thin golf glove yet somehow don't tear. I think they wear my hands slightly more than 41 Tails do, but the feel of the handle in them is perfect. I'm considering keeping them as a tourney only glove
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  • Baller
The strap that goes over the top of your hand is probably too short in my opinion. The Velcro has a small rectangular piece that velcroes beneath a large piece of Velcro. The small one stays attached, the bigger piece comes undone. This is a flaw in my opinion but perhaps my hands are abnormal? Other than that problem, which is a problem for me, the feel of the gloves is spectacular
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  • Baller
After meeting a guy who nearly ripped his arm off when the strap from his glove (not this model) became wrapped around the handle in a fall I'm really glad that the wrist strap on these gloves is both short and narrow, and not made of some crazy strong nylon webbing. On my wrist the size S glove wrist strap just barely has purchase on the velcro but it's never come off during a set for me.
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  • Baller

Got a pair this spring. I found them to have significantly better grip than my Old Favorites, Tail 41. I was expecting sore hands etc, due to the thinness of them. No problems, I did not wear liners all year and my Tail 41's did not get a set in.

Ski buddies tried them, open minded ones liked them for grip, closed minded did not like them because they felt thin and assumed they would cause hand problems.

Our mind is like a parachute, it only works if it is open.

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  • Baller

I have been skiing old style red 41 Tail mediums with Kevlar liners for quite a while. Even with warm FL water no issues at all with hands. Haven't tried the revised 41's yet, still one more pair of old style 41 Tails in my stash. Really like them, no need to squeeze handle, just hold it, great grip. I rarely have had issues with the hand velcro, just occasionally, never with the wrist.

Got a pair of medium-large MSN green latest batch, seemed the size in the store, to give a try. If they work they are a lot cheaper than 41's + liner. Got them the day before my AZ trip so tossed in bag to try there. They felt really, really good. Fantastic grip, a little better than the 41's. The handle feel and touch was amazing, hard to describe, really liked that. The hand strap is short which I think is good. As gloves grow (all do through their "life") it will still hook snug. I think that little strap is killer. What a pain in the ass to get off or adjust, aka it ain't moving or coming off while I am skiing. Wrist strap seemed fine and little strap worked the same, very, very secure. Like the reinforcement on the sides where the handle rope rubs. I seem to wear through the pinky side of down hand, won't happen with these. Seth was there coaching and he was using these. He had a crazy number of sets in them and they were still going.

Well, three sets and my hands were beat (but not shredded). Couple blisters wanting to form under the skin in new places, a couple tears in new places and sore all over. Water was approx 85 but that's colder than home. However, everyone's hands were getting shredded at that lake except for the residents (lots of guests as tournament that weekend). Water tastes salty, kinda weird, hard to get used to but beautiful lake. After my first set they seemed a touch loose, but were still great. Think that hand strap kept the palm nice and tight. So perhaps a combination of that water, a half size too big, changing glove brand/style putting pressure in different places (220lbs into 38, plenty of pressure) all combined for the problems.

Went back to my previously perfect mid-life 41's with liner and OMG!, it was like holding on to a f#!$ing, squishy telephone pole! Got used the them again after a set but they still seem big and squishy now.

So now I am home and with no tournament till November I am going to try them again as is, try them with a liner and also try a size down, the mediums. Any other glove I would toss them or give them to someone I don't like. But these felt so good while skiing I have to test them to see if it was just that water and/or the change from the "padded" liner'd 41's. Might borrow a slightly larger handle to try with them also. That might help distribute the pressure and they are so thin a bigger one might feel better anyway.

My take is possibly best gloves ever, well worth a try. They come in half sizes so a proper fit should be possible for just about anyone.

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  • Baller_

So, back to the velcro question that @lkb asked about. Love my MSN gloves and they are wearing great. I have a pair of Meds with 30 some sets on them that I got last fall and they are holding up great, no velcro issues at all. I ordered up another set a few weeks back and I have about 6 sets on them. The wrist strap velcro is holding up great but I cant keep the velcro on the back of the hand to stick at all. I have a call into Miami Ski Nautique and he is talking it over with someone and will call me back with the solution. I will report back on where this goes and hopefully it will be a great story. I am down to only 1 pair for my 6 round weekend at Cottonwood so lets hope I dont have a blowout with my older set.

Anyone seeing any issues with the back straps on the MSNs?

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  • Baller

Other then my medium size glove being a bit tight on the back hand the velcro is holding good and not undoing itself.No problems with the wrist straps at all.

Got them a month ago.Maybe a different batch then yours...?

Really like them!

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller

My Velcro on the back of the hand has always lifted up but that small extra Velcro tab holds well. Kind of bothers me to look at but the fit is great.

They've never hurt my hands.

Grip is fantastic.

My backup pair comes Thursday.

First pair is holding up great.

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  • Baller
@MS, I completely agree and have the same problem. If it weren't for the straps constantly coming undone, these might be my favorite gloves of all time. What's funny, is each Velcro strap has a small tab that also attaches via Velcro, yet it never comes undone. If they would just make the entire strap out of whatever that small Velcro tab is, problem would be solved
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  • Baller
I have about 6 sets on my MSN gloves and have the same issues as @MS and @Texas6. A bit annoying, but these are still great gloves. The red ones seem to have a much better strap closure on the back of wrist and a wider wrist strap, wonder how these are holding up?
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  • Baller

Ok.Got to retract my statement from a week ago.

Now the backhands straps have started to become undone after deep water starts.

I got plenty of time to put the velcro back on before the greens but still annoying.

The mating surface of the velcros need to be larger i think...

@MS Let us know how the replacement gloves do but without changes i doubt you'll get different results.

Still happy about the feel and the grip they provide.

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller
Bump of an old thread, what's the opinion of these gloves from you guys that have used them ? I've been using 41 Tails and Kevlar liners since they came out, but the latest version doesn't fit good, some fingers too long, and after 3 sets showing a lot of wear. Thinking about trying the MSN gloves, so what do you guys think?
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  • Baller

MSNs, ProGears, Stokes, SBSs and maybe some other brands, all look like they are produced by the same manufacturer, so choice is more about colour, availability and brand preference. having said that I realy like the green MSNs.

how about BOS gloves with cool colours?

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  • Baller

150 sets on same pair of MSN gloves and still going.

Used tu use kevlars ML but they were eating handle rubber quite fast.

Love my MSN!


(I did add a snap button to the top straps but i think they solved that problems. )

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller
I have used the MSN green gloves since june and really like them.You have a great feel for the handle and they have tremendous grip.I do have a little problem with the strap once in awhile however would buy another pair.I used 41 tails for years before buying these.
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  • Baller
I'm probably a bit biased but I love them. I use them with a ML 1.062 and ski 5-6 days a week. I get a new set about every other month. With minimal Velcro issues The tail 41s are nice, but a little thick for me. I like how connected our gloves make you feel. Plenty in stock if you want to try them
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