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March swerve


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  • Baller_
@rawly, I agree. It seems like they sure could build a huge desalination plant or two out there and pipe the water all over the southwest and California region. Would provide many jobs and help lower the ocean from all those melting ice caps, etc. It's a win-win-win.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller

Unless you live in California. San Diego has the world's most expensive water in the world (source: a National Geographic article from a couple years ago). The new desalination plant in Oceanside will add a $5 surcharge to our bills. The last desalination plant finally got finished when the drought ended and never got used. Plus it uses a lot of rescources and energy to operate. Not a win-win. Still, I think that the desalination plant is a good idea given our unique situation. But a carefully balanced decision.


We'll still be waterskiing in San Diego - if the $60,000+ boat owners relax a bit about washing the salt off every bit of fiberglass.


FWIW Stan is trying to drain his lake. The water table in Marysville is too high and his lake won't drain. It is just March and this should be the best time for the water table but the apocalypse hasn't hit yet.


We just flew down from Tahoe. Northern California is very green right now. Central California is a bit drier and the reservoirs are very low there. There is no snow in the mountains (the Easter snow ski trip is cancelled, snow-pocalypse is real). Late summer might give California some real problems.


The weather channel guy said "every drought ends with a flood".




The waterskiing this March has been fantastic!

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  • Baller_
How is that $5.00 charge applied? Per month, per gallon, per minute? $5.00 per month does not seem exorbitant. Some people (not me) spend $5.00 for their morning coffee every day.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller

$5 per month forever. Added on to the most expensive water per gallon on the planet. And we'll ending paying more per gallon since the desalinated water is more expensive than piped in water.


$5 might be a cup of coffee or a couple gallons of gas (just one in California) but it is a significant expense for a critical necessity. Southern California is truly a desert so water will be expensive. I do support the desalination plant but worry about the cost. The Saudis desalinate cheaper. Too many regulations here?


Desalinated water will be way too expensive to fill a lake with.



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  • Baller_

It's too bad that someone can't just hook onto one of those massive ice floes that are falling into the oceans each year - the land-based freshwater glaciers. Then, break it up and load it into ships the size of the supertankers. Or, just tow it up alongside the coast, apply some sort of combination of heat and suction to melt and pump the water into the reservoir system. Otherwise, the options are limited when the precipitation doesn't cooperate.


Again, that would also simultaneously solve the problem that many worry about - rising sea levels when land-based ice melts. Just relocate all that water to the areas that need it. I'm sure there are many places to put that water and keep it from raising the ocean.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
Didn't quite make march, but first runs today in ft Meyers with my father in law and his buddy. Basically free runs through the course at 32 on an a3 that was a little short for me. Great day, next runs might be tomorrow or a month from now.
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