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Losing ... all ... motivation ...


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  • Baller
I like to think of shoveling snow as a good cross training work out. Like skiing it's something you can't get in the gym. It's been working well lately considering we've had over 40" fall in the past week. I was pretty fried by last night though after clearing a space on the curb for the garbage and recycle containers.
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  • Baller_

If you're talking about snow, the direct or eventual water source of many ski lakes, the supply that does not require pumps, water diversion/lease expense, op-ed articles, government permission, or special interest approval, then I am for it.


But if you're talking about snow, the breaker of backs, destroyer of automobiles, interruptor of water ski season, and general purveyor of icy discomfort, then I am against it.


The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
In Boston we have nowhere to put the snow ,you shovel it somewhere and then someone shovels it back. 55" in 10 days. Beer consumption has sky rocketed though that may also be down to a last minute interception. Holding out for first weekend in March and Orlando trip.
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  • Baller

Tell me about it.


I had a trade show I was attending in Miami: Monday night - Wednesday afternoon. So I had my ski all packed ready to go to McGinnis Monday morning, Wed afternoon and Thursday morning. My flight from Boston to Ft lauderdale at 6am got cancelled because of the @#$% snow, I kept trying to get out on Monday until finally at midnight they cancelled the flight I was on because the didn't have enough flight attendants to go. No other options would get me there in time for a meaning appearance at the show and then I saw it is highly likely T-Storms on Thursday anyway.


Talk about depressing. It was within my grasp. But NOOOOOOOOO!!!!

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  • Supporting Member
@zyokes Any chance you're at Bowdoin? I highly recommend taking Bill Silver's occasionally-offered class if you have the slightest interest in how computers really work and how to take advantage of that as a programmer. (WHAT? YOU DON'T!!?? INCONCEIVABLE!)
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