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2015 Predictions


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Smith will post a score beyond 2.5 at 43

4 other skiers will post scores into 43

Asher, CP and F Winter will get some part of 2 ball or more at 43

Regina and Erica will break their own records at least once.

The HO V-Type will be the most talked about ski of the year.

Some ski that is not currently known or currently not hot - will become surprising hot before Nationals.

Some sort of skier data acquisition tool will finally provide data that is useful.

GPS steering will become a reality – not yet for purchase but the product will be seen and tested.

Drone footage will become more ubiquitous.

Correct Craft or Malibu will announce a new tournament boat hull.



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  • Baller

GoPro footage will begin to fade out.

Some skiers will quit saying "heelside" and "toeside" and instead start saying "front foot big toe side" and "front foot little toe side". Others will stick with "onside", "offside".

Many skiers will discuss and experiment with their "smear" settings on their fins.

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  • Baller_

A Wisconsin dentist will become Big Dawg champion. Wait, maybe that is a Big Dawg champion will become a Wisconsin dentist. I'd better check the tea leaves again.


Real prediction: Nate gets 3@43 and over to 4 but just not enough.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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