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I have no title.... but kinda funny.


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  • Baller
That's funny, they joined the wrong lake, plenty of options for newbies and non course skiers at other ski lakes in Sacramento. They clock the hours on the club boat , so just that drive to check the depth probably cost them a full sets worth! Her best option is to start on the opposite side, so pull out on the right side. At least avoid most of the turn balls. If Travis needs help, I would not mind helping them out next time!
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  • Baller_
I seriously thought, when he got in the water, that he was going to disconnect the buoys. Which, I must admit, gives some boost to the system that @skoot1123 is installing. It does allow for those who do not require buoys to enjoy the lake.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller_
Ha... I'm a pretty PG guy when it comes to posts. Saw this on Facebook (and watched all of it) and thought I'd share. Found it on YouTube (did not watch) and clicked link, copy paste done. Turns out the Facebook video version didn't start until after the colorful language. Saw @Horton note to the post, wondered what the fuss was about and then watched it here. Ooooops. Watch before you post I guess is the lesson to be learned.
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  • Administrators
@Wish meh. Is funny. Never thought a video of a porn star would make this forum. Lets make this a last time.
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  • Baller_
I happened to watch one of her other YouTube posts that was 50 random facts about her. She says she is a licensed EMT, a phlebotomist (draws your blood for lab work), and was in nursing school. You kind of have to have it together somewhat for those particular duties. Very contradictory to her persona at that lake.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller_
Ok, thought the lips were a bit much but seriously had no idea she was a porn star. Pretty sure the odds of one ending up on BOS that is 100% ski related is like a gazillion to one. Geeez....pulling off these odds kinda makes me want to invest in a lotto tickets. I see this gettn bad fast. And sooo want to start the downward spiral.
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  • Baller
@Wish, you asked for a title--"Aw s**t I joined the wrong ski club", or "Aw s**t I've got the wrong girl friend". The title comes from a guy who formerly skied at our site. That was his mantra, "Aw s**t I bought the wrong (fill in the blank) ski, ski boat, handle." Another possible title: "Example of how NOT to use the word "like". She said "like", like 200 times in that video. If "similar" or "enjoy" can't be substituted for like you've used it incorrectly. Pardon me for the grammar lesson, but that's beginning to drive me crazy.
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  • Baller

Wow. That is crazy. Yep, Bell Acqua Lake 1. Where I ski. That is my dog. That was me driving Travis the day my son and I met them. He was super nice and just trying to get started in the course. She was nice, but ..... different. Had no idea she was videoing and that she was so offended by the buoys.


@rodltg2 - you seem to know a lot about Bell Acqua. Curious, should they not charge for club boat use? Let me know if you start a club when you find or dig a lake, 'cause I wanna ski with you, bro! I like your policies. Other than Winchester, what other club lake options are there for free-skiing in our area?

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  • Baller

on a side note, that's a pretty cool setup to be able to join and "rent" the boat yourself. He's a beginner, but seemed to drive the boat confidently enough. What is their skiing background and how does the club work?


there are a lot of interesting people in this sport..

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  • Baller

@wtrskior - allegedly moved up from SoCal and was just a Colorado River free skier. Don't know anything more. Nice guy and he'll get good quickly if he sticks with it and gets some coaching.


Bell Acqua has two club boats - both CC 200s. One is a 2010 (the one in the video) and we get the use of a member's promo every year (thank you, Brett). You pay per set and record boat hours for every set. It is a good set up.

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  • Baller

Let's pretend for a moment that this lady is just some normal-looking average attractiveness, gall next door who has never really seen a competitive lake before.


Her comments and concerns about the buoys are... normal. I've taught so many beginners. They all are worried that the buoys will cause them to fall or get hurt. That is just normal. Her and Travis simply need some basic instruction and someone to give them options for safely skiing on the lake. (Like @rodltg2 suggested, one option is to start on the opposite side.)


Many complain that our sport is dwindling or only growing through procreation within existing water skiing families. Well, here is 1 maybe 2 new skiers. Do we welcome them in and boost them with support until they can stand on their own, or do we point and laugh and ridicule them away?


OK, that sounded really harsh. I don't mean it like that, but while we have a little chuckle about the girl, recall that these are potential skiers who are attempting to embrace our sport. I hope that a few members at Bel Acqua take a welcoming stance and give these new skiers some guidance and support.



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@richarddoane‌ "Class F"? Haaa haaaaaaaa


I know I am trying to keep this thread out of the gutter but that is too much

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  • Baller

@oldjeep -maybe she uses a stage name for her videos. according to yahoo theres actually an established formula for doing this: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061027181841AAkA4Kh


unfortunately when i apply that algorithm to my self i end up being called betsy caledonia which doesnt really work for me -and for that reason i'm out.

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  • Baller

@ToddL - agree, let's welcome them as new skiers.


I met them because Travis sent a nice email to club members introducing himself and his girlfriend and explaining that they were new to the area, to the sport, etc. I replied and said hey, I'll be out there this Saturday and if you're there I'll pull you. He was there, met them, pulled him, gave him a little coaching, and then back at the dock told his girlfriend, who expressed her concern about the buoys, where to pull out, how to avoid the gates, etc. I could tell she was confused and also embarrassed. She didn't want anyone to watch her - that sort of thing. My son and I were done with our rides, so we left them to their own devices (ba dum bum, pshhhh). Anyway, was bizarre to see her video, but we do need to make them feel welcome (which if they've seen Facebook by now, they probably don't).


We'll see if they come back out. If they do, we'll help them out as much as we can.

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  • Baller_
She posted that vid all on her own. Choices have consequences. Pretty sure attention was the primary purpose in her posting it. But of course they should feel welcomed at the site and hope they do but she made her bed, now she has to sleep it......so to speak.
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  • Gold Member

Not sure if anyone noticed it, but my favorite comment in this thread so far was by a woman.


@sunperch I had a similar thought, but would spin it more like this: If you've got a whole forum full of 30-60 year old men in an adrenaline sport and nobody recognized you, then you're not a porn star.


Also very much agree with ToddL. Welcome her! Maybe someday those buoys won't seem so scary and she can stop saying "buoy course." (That hurt more than anything else.)

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  • Administrators

I spend a lot of time trying to steer the conversation and culture of this site. Sometimes things go the way I want and sometimes not. This thread is pretty interesting to me. There was a time when I strongly considered pushing the content less family friendly. The Ballers are mostly men 35 to 55. There is no way around the fact that men 35 to 55 generally like the same things. Let’s just say pretty girls are an easy sell.


After a lot of consideration I chose to drive this community more PG than PG 13 (or R) and I think that is 100% the right decision. If this was a wakeboard site it would be wall to wall hot Bettys but this is a slalom site (darn). I am sure there are many Ballers who see nothing wrong with what this woman represents. Among the Ballers, I believe there are more that would not want her in their boat than would. This whole thing is funny but it is not an accurate reflection of the community that I want to be a part of.


You will notice that when there is a new post in this thread => the thread no longer moves up the index page. I am letting this thread slowly fade down the page.


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