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Is 6 balls too many? If there were 5 you could count them on one hand


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  • Baller

Or is 6 balls too few? If there were 7 then I wouldn't have to hear other rff skiers complain that they have a dissadvantage of only having 2 onside turns. They don't seem to appreciate the onside gate pull the way I do.


And for giggles I'll mention that @horton needs a grammar check in his discussion title.

To the game

Too many

Two of them

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I wonder if a MM skier has EVER missed an opening pass like 32 off because they could not count to 6?
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  • Baller_

@Horton "I wonder if a MM skier has EVER missed an opening pass like 32 off because they could not count to 6?"


As a matter of fact in the head to head of the first Big Dawg there was a skier who rounded 4 ball at 28 off and stood up. Then frantically tried to recover, but to no avail. Whoops.


So is Dirt the second with short term memory loss?

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller

For the record, I was skiing M4...or was I? My memory is not so good.

I started at 28 was daydreaming and sightseeing. Came back at 32 thinking this is the last ride of the year. I was skiing well and out of three ball a terrible thought entered my mind. HORTON HAD REPRODUCED!

The thought terrified me. I had to do something to save mankind. I stood up.

I quickly realized it was too late. I decided to keep skiing. I pulled directly to 5 and got what was formerly known as a Rico.

I skied in and the weight of what had happened hit me. I let Horton beat me.

I am writing this from a therapy session waiting room.

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A @Rico is any score of 5 => not 4 ½ and not 5 ¼ or more => just a score of 5. A @Rico is the worst possible score at any line length. This is in honor of the number of times I have seen @Rico be early out of 4 ball at 38 off and somehow scew up and only get 5.


A @Dirt is when a skier misses a pass because they are confused about what ball they are at. If you stand up at 4 ball because you think it is 6 ball that is a @Dirt. Also if you have ever rounded 6 and missed the exit gates because you were pulling for 7 ball that is also a @Dirt. (this should be a relief to @MrJones as I have not forgotten what he did at Nationals 20 years ago.)


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  • Baller

Horton is correct. I actually lost track of where I was in the course.

Horton ran a sweet 38 and 2@39. So smooth that Richard Doane rode Horton's Warp the next round.

It was a great tournament. I highly recommend it.

Dave Miller 1.5@41, Scott Larson 2@41 twice. Tyler Yager 2@41. Detrick 3@41. John Geels 2@39...too many big scores to list.

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the best part is when @dirt came back to the dock. You know the look a catfish gives you when you hit in the head with a hammer? That's the look Dirt had on his face when he was sitting in the water taking his ski off. I asked what was wrong and it was like he didn't know where he was or how he missed 32 off or why somebody was hitting him in the head with a claw hammer
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  • Baller

Strange things can happen. Back when, in the mid-1970's, Mike Suyderhoud and others

came to visit our site in NH. Where we were set up for records at that time. In his opening

pass 1st round, he got locked into a lean off #6 buoy and missed the gates. On the

easy side. He did better in later rounds. Rare happening, but it happens at times, as

do other strange things.

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  • Baller_
+1 for @dirt 's recommendation for attending the Imperial event, I've missed a couple times but have been going since 2006, great group, great site, great weather, and great finish to a tournament season - however, next year when I beat @horton on his own ski, that time I need my binders
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Ok @richarddoane‌ next year round 3 you are on. I will bring a ski with inserts so we can use our own bindings (even if I do think it is a lame excuse)
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Thinking about what ski I have that I can run 38 on that would also be hardest for @richarddoane‌ to adapt to
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