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edge change question


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The last couple of sets I have been focusing on giving a quick pop/shrug/tug/pull whatever you want to call it, right at my edge change going outbound. What I have found is this frees me up from the boat and I don't get pulled back in and I can finish my turns without being separated. And I ski better at least when it works



But if I do it at the wrong timing or to aggressively then it doesn't work so well. And then usually have to much speed and crash


Does anyone else do this? If so how do you achieve consisentency?

If you don't focus on this, what do you focus on to keep your arms freed up and not get pulled back in

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@ToddF I am pretty sure it is a bad idea. Doing that should kill some of your outbound.


What line length are you working at?

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@Horton 35 off was feeling the best it had in awhile, but I also did it on a one ball and launched myself ars over tea kettle too.


It just seems like I get pulled forward or separated a lot lately so I am trying different things to prevent that.

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@ToddF‌ I'm not sure it's a bad idea to clench a little bit but I don't like idea of your biceps actually pulling the handle in.
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  • Baller
Maybe it is helping you stay down a little longer? One of my things is to think about and I tell guys learning to edge through both wakes is to try to get 6" lower behind the boat. The reality is that you maintain your edge and don't get stood up by the boat. Try that thought vs. pulling in on the handle.
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@toddF I think video is a must if you are going down this path. You may be doing something good or you may be doing something bad. The way you describe it I want to discourage it but as we all know => what we think we do on the water and what we really do are 2 different things.


As a side note - if you stack is really money then I doubt you need to work in staying down longer. Most of us are on the line too long. On the other hand if you are getting pulled up that is a totally different conversation

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  • Baller
Todd, if it feels like a shoulder shrug, that could be ok, as the load is peaking when the boat is heading straight away from you, and if you are feeling it in your traps, then you sound like you are stacked and just feeling the added resistance because you are not letting it pull you up. As Horton said, some video could help.
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