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Double boot or not


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  • Baller

RTP is a cheaper setup


Double boot is possibly a safer option (can of worms)


Short site with limited setup time double boots can be a good solution


Some people claim you have more control with double boots


RTP is lighter


RTP means the bottom of your ski is less likely to get messed up by platform / dock


This conversation will never be over. Its personal choice but when we are talking about micro binding adjustments for fine tuning then kicking your back foot into an RTP means your probably not in same spot on your ski each and every set..





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  • Baller
It's entirely up to you. This summer I went from using a recreational slalom ski with rubber bindings that couldn't keep my feet from sliding in place to a Vapor double boot. The double boot can be uncomfortable after a while just because your feet are stuck in place, but overall I like it. Safety wise I would say you are better off with a double because with a RTP your back foot is guaranteed to fall out, whereas with the double boot there is a chance both could stay in. I don't ski fast enough or short enough lines to worry about major crashes, so I'm not much help there.
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  • Gold Member
Very much personal choice. Fwiw, a number of top skiers either never left or are now going back to rear toe, and I have heard that the reason is to be able to move more weight to the front at certain times. I (obviously) don't really understand, and I think double-boot is considerably safer for my "style" of skiing, but still interesting.
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I have Talons and I think I leave them fairly loose. I cinch the lower string but leave the upper boot a bit loose. I skied for decades with a rear strap, but feel I have more control with the rear boot and I can actually relax my rear foot where in the past I felt I kept it tense to maintain its position on the ski. Not something you have to worry about in a boot. I also struggled getting up with double boots but now I think its actually easier.
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  • Baller
I skied today and had my rear lace come loose on my hard shells. It felt pretty weird having my rear foot floating. I'm not sure if I could do the RTP thing after so many years of using double boots. Plus, the movement I experienced today was only a fraction of the movement you get with a RTP. It would be interesting to try though!
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  • Baller

I've used double boots my whole slaloming life (about 30 yrs) until late this summer I switched to a rear toe plate. The theory for me was that if I didn't have the control of the rear boot I'd be less likely to use that rear leg which is my "go to" flaw when things go wrong. It actually worked really well...for a while. Now that I am confident in the rear toe plate I find myself going right back to using the rear leg as crutch.


But the deep water starts are much simpler, so I might just stick with it.

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