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@brooks ROCKS!


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I finally managed to get myself in front of Brooks Wilson and WOW. He promptly identified the exact cause and correction of a core problem that has been a weakness for my entire life.


It's gonna take me a while to make any progress on it, but what a keen eye.


I also got to drive a significant portion of the clinic and was truly impressed with how specialized his advice was to each person, spanning a huge range of ability levels. He explained that he's trying to find a short list of things that can cause the most progress for each person, and I'd have to say he was succeeding. I kind of fancy myself a coach, and I think I learned almost as much about coaching as I did about my own skiing.


Hoping to find some way to get his eyes on me more frequently!!

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P.S. A public apology for throwing the handle and generally being a baby. :) I was trying so hard to do what he was talking about and making small progress on each pass and then all of a sudden my body just refused to do it and I was extremely frustrated by my incompetence!!!


But he took it in stride. I suppose he sees a lot of frustration as people try to change decades of bad habits!

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  • Baller
One of the things I like about really young coaches is that what they may lack in long term coaching experience is often made up for by how recently they themselves were struggling at your level. So the nuances of your challenges are still fresh in their razor sharp not yet jaded minds.
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One of the coolest aspects of this sport is the access we (even a hack like me) have to the sport's top athletes. It was pretty cool watching Daniel Odvarko ski so well last weekend knowing I took lessons from him in the spring. Now if I can only meet Horton in real life someday...
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  • Baller

@Than your throwing of the handle gave me a laugh. It was thrown almost in the way you ski. It was like you calculated angles and technique to show your frustration to the max :D Next time a little more passion and less geek lol.


At least you didn't ding the prop halfway through the clinic like someone I can't mention.




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  • Elite Skier
@brooks‌ Probably one of the most down to earth guys I have ever met, him and his brother are great, they don't just help you but get totally stoked for you. If anyone ever gets a chance to ski with one of them or both, do it. They are the future, they have a great eye and know how to set the skis up. They are awesome for radar and they got me to switch, and it only got better from there! Excited to get to know them more in the future!
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  • Baller

19454 E colonial dr Orlando fl 32833


I just got back from skiing there. Awesome place. Water was 87. Ran my first 35 at 36 mph. Lakes ski great. Brooks's coaching is very precise and extremely good. I have pb'd every time I get coaching from him

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  • Baller
Planning on hitting up the wilson bros school this winter, met KC at Matt Rinis in April of 2013, then in august of this year in Calgary bumped Into him, remembered our previous meeting, had a good bs session, later that afternoon had a chance to meet @brooks he promptly hit it off with my 8 year old daughter, by the end of the @Mastercraft‌shootout, brooks tracked me and my little girl down and presented her with his jersey from the event! Made her summer to say the least, she can't stop talking about brooks and KC, hats off to the boys a couple of real classy guys!
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@Zman Considering that he does this for a living, I'm not sure I should publish details to the internet.


However, I can say that pretty much everything about my movements from second wake to apex, on my on side, needs to change.


I think I can stake a claim to having been the best skier at the clinic (although certainly this season's tournament scores would allow @bdecker to laugh at that), but Brooks "held" me at a relatively easier pass than perhaps anyone else. He spotted some things he really wanted to change and so had me doing almost entirely my second pass (-32).


I'm mostly continuing this in practice, although yesterday I took a "day off" from working on learning new things and just went and skied what I could. I believe I've now made about 5-10% of what I need to do be instinct, and this led to some crazy-easy -35s. So there's clearly a lot of potential here -- as well as a lot of aggravating practices ahead :).


Really trying to get better is not super-fun. Back to work...

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  • Baller
Cool. Thanks @Than_Bogan‌ I can say most of my issues are between the second wake and the buoy line. Has a lot t do with the handle and getting up on the ski a lil more. Since you wouldn't give the details, I'll just ask Brooks when I see him soon. :) He might be fixing some of the same stuff with me.
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