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Finally into 35


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  • Baller

I set a new PB this weekend of 3@35 from 5.5@32. I finally got that 32 off monkey off my back after 1 year 4 months 11 Days and 39 rounds of competition along with hundreds of practice sets. I think all it took was for me to host a NCWSA tournament and not have time to think too much about my skiing. I did not get any practice in the last 2 weeks and took 1 practice set on Friday night. Some time off does the body and mind good I would say. I have been running 32 in practice since 2011 and been getting into it since I started tournaments in 2012. I can't believe it took me that long to put it together just once. I have only put 35 on in practice 2 times this year. I thought I had a shot at getting to 4 ball yesterday if not running the whole pass. It just felt easy behind the TXi on my Vapor.


I also tied my trick PB yesterday ( I know who cares). My Radar Skis Vapor and Graviton combined with the OB4 System has really taken my skiing to a whole new level this year. I set both of these PB's behind the Malibu Boats Txi that pulled the Malibu Open this year. I have to say that is one awesome boat to ski and to drive.


A huge thanks goes out to all my ski parters especially @webbdawg99‌ who has helped me not only train a lot smarter but also work on my mental and physical technique this season. My boat crew happened to be @webbdawg99‌ & @Craig‌ who I get to ski the most with and it all went down on my adopted home lake of Whitestone Lake 1. Having them in the boat was awesome. There is a case of beer in the fridge with y'all's name on it.

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  • Baller

@mattp I am psyched for you. I yearn for the ability to ski a tournament in the same spot I practice. To do it with a driver I ski with often and a boat judge that I stare at more than just my opener and following passes! Not going to happen anytime soon on the Columbia River or Swamp I get to practice on!


Congrats on POSTING A SWEET PB!!!!!

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  • Baller

Thanks Y'all! Well it was not a fluke I went 1.5@35 last night in my first round of a tournament! So I have pretty much qualified for Nats next year and the rest of tournaments will be time to play with setting and practice!


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  • Baller

@Texas6 Its a sport psychology technique. For each pass, you should focus on 3 things to do to ski a successful pass. For Matt, his 3 keys tend to be patience, soft knees, hips to the next ball.


Everyone's "3 keys" will be different, just depending on what you're working on. It is important that the "3 keys" are always actions to take, not actions to avoid. For example, one of your keys may be "wide gate". That is very different than "don't start narrow". For whatever reason, if you tell yourself to "don't" do something, your brain/body tend to ignore the "don't" part and you end up doing exactly what you were trying to avoid. Never think in the negative.


I say my 3 keys to myself over and over as I'm sitting at the end of the lake, getting pulled out of the water, pulling out for my gate, rolling in for the gate, etc.


I'd say that this mental training technique improved my skiing more than anything else I've done in years. I'd say its also working for @MattP‌


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  • Baller

I have started saying my 3 keys to myself when I'm sitting in the water and in my pull out. There have been a few time when the boat crew has looked at me like I was crazy or tried to respond thinking I was talking to them. A good laugh before entering the course usually helps me relax as well. Back when I was skiing with Jodi Fisher a lot he always had me working on "3 keys" and would make me say them to him before we would head into the course but as time went on and skiing at home I got lax in my ways. @webbdawg99‌ has really helped me get focus back into my skiing. Training smart and right is way more beneficial than skiing more sets continuing to do things the wrong way.


@SkiJay‌ Thank you, I agree it made it way more fun running it by relaxing and focusing more than overworking and panicking my way down the course.

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