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Is Forum Anonymity a Good Thing?


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  • Baller

Usually the people with the most meaningful thing to say have the most to lose by saying it. So anonymity allows for some level of honesty.


Anonymity also may bring more malicious commentary when one knows they won't be held accountable for what they say.


So is anonymity a good or bad thing on the web?

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  • Baller_
Good. Some, like me need anonymity for professional purposes. While this site is not rated R, I'd give it a PG-13 at times. The last thing I need is my name Google by a client and it pops up in one of those PG-13 threads. There are legit reasons.
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  • Gold Member
There are legitimate reasons for anonymity, but it's impossible to get away from the fact that MANY people behave completely differently (and usually MUCH worse) when hiding behind anonymity. So it must be provided only very carefully, and in most cases a forum is not the right place for it, as it will cause the discussion to degenerate instantly to useless nonsense.
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  • Gold Member
@Wish You and I are talking about very different forms of anonymity. I have no problem at all with people having "handles." I know who Wish is, and even though I happen to also know who the person behind him is, it would be enough simply that on this forum he is Wish. Having the same identity all the time is NOT the type of anonymity I was referring to.
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How I feel about it is captured here (not safe for work / not family friendly language)


There are a few things that I am 100% unbending about. This is one of them. You guys have handles so you are sort of anonymous if you want but if you step up and really ruffle feathers you need to put your real name in your profile.

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I could write a 1000 word essay on this subject and a lot more about forum moderation in general.


In the end it is my forum and my rules. Clearly I make mistakes but I own them. The site has my name on it.


If you want to say something but are unwilling to take responsibility for your words go to www.skifly.com

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  • Baller
there are several members on this forum who do not use their ' real names ' due to security clearances or law enforcement positions or other privacy conflicts that force them to separate their personal lives from their professional lives. i value this forum but i value making it to retirement in good standing more. so if i ruffle feathers too much i am more then happy to back off. its just a sport not life or death. greatest sport on the planet but still just a sport.
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@mwetskier‌ I am totally good with that. That is not really anonymous. I can find you if there is a melt down. You always use the same username. If you get out of hand it can be handled. I am able to throttle the tone of conversation.


Best part is I rarely moderate BECAUSE the site is not anonymous

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  • Baller

@Horton So from my interpretation, you seem to be more in favor of accountability as opposed to anonymity. I guess I haven't seen anyone go WAY over the line....but there have certainly been many occasions (several today actually) where I can't help but think "who the heck is this guy??"


You say, "best part is I rarely moderate b/c the site is not anonymous". It certainly seems anonymous to me. Someone may use the same screen name over and over....but that gives them little accountability, if any.

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@Horton‌ it's your site, but some people seem to not be playing on a fair or level playing field when it comes to putting in their names behind their statements. I also today have looked at several posters and wondered who the heck are you like @webbdawg99‌
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@webbdawg99‌ today is unusual. I can not keep up since I am actually at my day job and this is maybe the biggest traffic day ever.


Yes it is really about accountability. If you think someone is out of line use the abuse "flag". I will get a notice and deal with it quietly.


Everyone please use the FLAG if you see something I should see.

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  • Baller
I pretty much post what I think and don't need anonymity to do it. I'm old and cranky at times and don't really care if people disagree with me. It's my opinion and I own it. But do notice I haven't posted sexy bikini pics lately because some Ballers complained about a waterskiing website actually showing some flesh. Go figure.
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  • Baller

@Horton Like I said before, I'm not referring to people being "out of line". But when someone takes a hard line on one side of an issue, especially when it is a minority opinion, you sometimes wonder if there's more to it than meets the eye.


What if someone got on here raving about how great XYZ ski is.....would it be a conflict of interest if that person was actually an employee of the ski manufacturer? This is just an example of a situation that wouldn't be "abusive"......but there's not any accountability.


I know it's your "sandbox". But if it were up to me, your name would have to be in your profile in order to participate in the threads. We have pro skiers, business owners, dea agents, and all kinds of other people using their real info. If they can do it, I dont understand why everyone can't.

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@webbdawg99‌ it is largely a tech problem that i am extremely frusterated about and some social media management. No sexy back story.
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@JC McCavit‌ it is valid. At least one police officer who is a Baller is crazy about keeping his name off the net. I think it is silly but am happy to make that happen.
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Hosts and moderators almost always can break the cloak of anonymity. They have tools and "skills." And others usually can use the mosaic theory to figure things out. Believe it or not, a more than soft condition of my employment is not to post on online forums unless an alias is used or i can choose to keep my posts "informational" only. Some reasons why previously mentioned. And at least those susceptible to being bullied can share an opinion without fear. Is that a bad thing?
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  • Baller

I do believe it is fine to use Handles for Web Protection, but STRONLY feel everyone should MAN UP and Voluntarily provide their REAL name under their profile section. Otherwise it seems like they are hiding behind their Mother's skirt.


@Horton...Appreciate the Sand Box you have provided for us and keeping it clean..It sure is a lot of fun to "Play In" everyday..IMHO you do a GREAT JOB - THX

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  • Baller
@Onside135 he is the only one on the forum with a personalized tag next to his name and has strange bio info. He has no pull around here and is not a skier persay. He's usually funny so we let him stay and play in the sandbox, because he lost his flying bicycle in a card game.
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  • Baller

Man what did I miss? Did someone talk about racial profiling or acting on hate crimes?


It is a forum and honestly, I don't see the difference between using a handle and not providing your real name or using your real name as your handle. There are plenty of people who post stuff to Facebook they probably shouldn't. I know some people, like myself, are generally more vocal on a computer. Not because I'm hiding but because I'm bored...I don't log on here when I'm out on the lake or otherwise out with friends having fun.


I also don't see a problem with some promoter from ski/boat company XYZ coming on here and hiding behind a handle. How many ski's have you bought where only 1 person whom you didn't know said it was awesome? It takes a lot more than one person for me to consider switching up and it wouldn't be from 4-5 people who only have 5-10 posts either.


Would love to meet a lot of people on here in person and I already have established opinions on some people based on their posts over time but ultimately when meeting someone, you establish a new opinion immediately. Your eyes either get opened to how different they are or your original opinions get confirmed.

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  • Baller
I don't think there is danger in a real name on this forum necessarily but I can understand how some jobs may want a blanket statement a lout online anonymity. I can also understand a police officer or anyone in a similar role trying to achieve some online anonymity for piece of mind. As a college student I can guarantee that I could find pictures I'm in on Facebook that are far more detrimental than anything I post here. That said I work very hard to be out of the cameras scope wherever I am to mitigate that.
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  • Baller
Although there are probably perfectly legitimate reasons some would need to be anonymous, I prefer to not post anything that I wouldn't want someone to know I said. A little off topic, but when a call comes in as anonymous on my phone, that immediately translates to "This caller has something to hide and I would have to be an idiot to answer the call". The calls that really irritate me are the ones where the phone number has been spoofed leading you to believe it is someone that it isn't. The same thing would annoy me with "spoofed" postings.
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  • Baller

I know one Pro who has spoken out on occasions, I have overheard conversations where people with influence did not like what that person had to say, instead of promoting that persons talent, they dismissed what they had to say and didn,t listen, I thought the Pro had a valid point at that time, so I can see why people may wish to remain anonymous just purely to protect themselves against any possible backlash.

Please bear in mind I am UK based not USA based.

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  • Baller

This forum is pretty PG rated compared to a lot of online forums. I can't think of any occupation where you really need to be disassociated from this forum in general. Now if you want to be a dick and hide behind a screen name that seems like a weak reason to allow anonymity. If you're in law enforcement, or a professional of some kind, why would you care if people know you waterski?


When I'm not skiing, I do a lot of competitive shooting. As you can imagine, that community has a large overrepresentation of law enforcement, and quite a few of my friends from that community are not your run of the mill local police, but of the more secretive variety. They tend not to want their names showing up on facebook/forums/etc, and go through pains to make sure that their scores only show up with pseudonames or initials. But even those guys are the minority.


But it doesn't bother me one way or another. My name is in my signature, and I use the same forum handle everywhere, and an internet WHOIS will give you my name anyway. Others don't want the same level of publicity, and bury their info a little deeper. I don't think it detracts from the forum.


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@Fast351 For me it is a balancing act.


If I could have it my way this forum would be a meritocracy with real names. Everyone would not only know each other’s names but would also know their skiing level. I believe that would result in more sharing by higher level skiers and a better exchange of knowledge. The reality is a lot of people are super uncomfortable with that. My compromise is to just make 100% sure that no one can slip in and snipe insults and leave. Unless we are talking water ski politics I do not insist on real names.


In reality I only know the real names of a fraction of the Ballers. I have everyone’s IP address and most of the email addresses in the database are not fakes. It is just enough to keep people from feeling anonymous enough to misbehave.


As for Law Enforcement there are a few Barneys on the forum. At last one of them feels that it he must hide is social media. He has a user name here and another on Facebook. Since I know who he is, I am perfectly happy with it.


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