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Wow - weather down south is brutal!


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  • Baller
I heard this morning that Pensacola saw 20 inches of rain in 24 hours. Sounds like the whole Panhandle is getting soaked. My friends at SkiWatch and Ski Chaste must be underwater, along with Cory and others. Add that to the severe weather and I don't feel so bad about it being cold and wet in MN. Be safe southern ballers!
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  • Baller_
Power went out here at Florida Inboards Inc. at 8:15 AM. Now running generator. In the last 24 hours in PC over 15" of rain. So far this morning we have had nearly 7" of rain. I got a call from one of my lake skier customers over in Foley Al. 05 196 washed off lift and sunk three houses down due to extreme flooding.
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Southern California, about two miles east of LA County...


81 degrees at 9:40 am right now with high winds here and there is a brush fire blowing this way. Evacuations are in place five miles east of me. We should be fine. The air is getting nasty, though.


I'm still planning to ski tomorrow.

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  • Baller
No problem at my house, but three of the four houses next to mine are flooded. Lightening was crazy. 75,000 strikes from about 9:00 pm until 5:00 am. Not much sleep.
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