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Baller Coins are here!


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Remember the rule. You should only accept a Baller Coin from someone you trust and plan to ski with in the future. You might be able to pass one at my house but not a handful
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OK BallerCoins are now for sale. See the bottom left of the forum page.

The first batch is not really big so get them while they are hot.

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  • Baller_
So let me see if I have this straight: Someone gives JH $$ and JH gives that person some Baller Coins (BC). That person then comes to my lake and I have to honor the coin, no questions asked. So I am out the can of gas I otherwise would have received, and JH has, in effect, my gas money. Cheap, too. 12 rides for 20 bucks. $1.66 per set. But I am then free to use the BC I collected for a ski ride somewhere else. How do I convert the BC back to cash? When I convert BC to cash, is there an exchange discount? And what is the exchange rate? Is this going to be successful,and will the cost of BC increase, and therefor should I take a long position on BC now? Or should I short the hell out of it? Or buy futures? Is JH the "Baller Reserve," effectively setting rates, or will this be a free market? Will some sites become "3 BC sites" while other sites are 1 BC sites? Will BC trade at par against the Eruo and USD? Is a ski ride in Europe 1 BC even though skiing in Europe is generally more expensive than in the US? Rossi posts on this site occasionally, as do other pros. Do they have to honor BC? Does Dodd-Frank apply to control the use of BC? Did Bernie Madoff come up with this idea? Lots of questions here. I think we may need some regulations. Lots of regulations.


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@richarddoane why do I have to keep explaining this. It is simply a fun way to keep track of the rides you trade with the skiers you ski with anyway. If you do not like the idea don't worry about it & accept it.
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@richarddoane no I just about break even but if anyone wants to support the site feel free to donate. Better yet make sure that the next time you get some ski gear you get if from a BallOfSpray sponsor.
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