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Choking on our hardest passes


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  • Baller
Like I said at the start, I place it more in the context of overthinking. For example, in practice I just step off the platform and don't even think about 28 or 32 off. At 35 I start thinking (about my pull out, my gate timing, etc) more than at the first two passes. At -38 I think about these even more. The result is that things that wouldn't have bothered you do bother you, and affect your success. @6balls told me last year to just quit thinking when the line went to purple. He and I both know I can run the pass, so just go ski it. If you think about how many danged gates and turns you've taken in slalom, your body (and subconscious mind) definitely know what to do. My goal this year is to get out of the way and "let it happen".
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  • Baller
I tend to overski my hardest pass, thinking that I've got to be some kind of gorilla skier to do it. This was really evident when at a tournament last year the boat forgot to shorten the rope after I ran my second hardest pass. I ran that pass again (thinking it was my hardest) but it was scrappy as hell. I made it way more difficult that it needed to be.
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