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The New BallOfSpray Intergalactic Headquarters


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We took the keys last week. There is some clean up to be done we are going to need some water but I am pretty exited.


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Precision Ranch. Next door to SkiWest. There is no water because we are getting ready to go deeper by 2-3 feet. First time I ski at my new lake house it will be a brand new lake.


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  • Baller
Is that water table, or some underground spring? I am out in Visalia at our plant right now, but traveling with the big boss, or I would head down to say hello. Do they let you tap into the agricultural supply? Looks like a lot of water channelled for crops out here.
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  • Baller
Not today : ) @rico and I are the only ones out. That lake only had a few people using it regularly this past season. As Bishop said "there goes the neighborhood " how bout a moment of silence for Arvin California's most well known vagabond That guy Horton skied more often than most owners. Must be the pedigree of his name.
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@richarddoane do I know you?

@GOODESkier You are friends with @richarddoane? stay away

@Skoot1123 if it does not ski good when we done I will be very pissed

@DW come by any time

@estrom yes I do

@Jordan I have a mexican gardener. What can Canadians do for me?

@Joeprunc club boat? I wish. We will see what I can get on that life in the spring.

@colo_skier Mrs. Horton drinks Firestone 805 or RedStripe

@Steven please do not tell Durwood where I am



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