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Dr. Sheldon Cooper


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  • Gold Member

My employer takes Halloween rather seriously, so I sometimes bother with a costume. I was gonna bail this year, but on Wednesday somebody pointed out how easy it would be to put together a Dr. Sheldon Cooper (Big Bang Theory) costume. One stop at Walmart for a Green Lantern shirt and some blue jeans; one stop at Target for a burgundy long-sleeve shirt. Done.


Festivities are today, so currently typing as Dr. Cooper.


I realize this is HUGE stretch and that nobody out there could possibly imagine me as Sheldon.

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  • Gold Member

Since it's trivial to doctor a photo, I don't see how whether something happened is logically connected to seeing a picture of it, but I suppose sometimes us geniuses do have to try appease the less intelligent.


(I'll try to get a picture up later today. The funniest part is how many people don't realize I'm "in costume" at all...)

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  • Baller

One of the funniest costumes I have ever seen was worn by a secretary at a Fortune 250 company that I worked for. She was blonde and crazy, but showed up with a grass skirt, black tights and body suit, attached to the top were 2 long black semi-stuffed tube socks dangling down to her waist, black face paint and fro wig, and a bone stuck through her nose (clip on). It was her attempt to look like a National Geographic tribal woman. Hilarious in person.


This trumps Sheldon..

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  • Gold Member

Anything trumps Sheldon. My costume is totally lame. It's just funny/alarming how easy it was...


The folks here go insane though. Every year there are costumes that don't make the top 15 that would be the best costume at a "typical" Halloween party.

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