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  • Baller
It's 95 in So Cal, the water is over 80 and just a few days ago a buddy and I were having dinner with our wives at a sidewalk cafe and we were replaying an epic February 2013 boys road trip to Utah with 4 days of knee deep. Off to the lake...Winter will be here too soon!
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  • Baller
20 easy minutes from my doorstep to crowd-free powder (or cold smoke as it is referred to here!). I moved to Montana for the winters before I began skiing the course. Now that I'm a course skier, I've been considering moving back to Washington where I can do both in the same day.
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  • Baller

Yay. I'm in. I get one paltry day per week from whenever the lifts start spinning to sometime in April. I don't care if it's bottomless or boot top powder, skier cut, skier packed, wind buff, Sierra cement, corduroy, old hard pack, frozen coral heads, death cookies, corn, slush, rain-saturated, or sheet ice - I'm going.


Not ready to get off the water yet though.

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  • Baller
I'm with xrated, when waterskiing is done for the season and the snow finally flies I ski occasionally, but my true winter passion is for snowmobiling, lots of speed and fun. With no big hills or Mountains here in Ontario to ski or ride but 1000's of miles of snowmobile trails, the choice is really simple.
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  • Baller

@jipster - Stay in Utah! "20 easy minutes from my doorstep to crowd-free powder" Not going to happen in Seattle. Bumper cars to get into parking at Stevens (literally). Need to get to Crystal before 8 to get within a half mile of the base. Snoqualmie, well don't think you want to ski the flats and at Alpental Chair 2 gets too jammed. Was OK during the recession but now crowds and lines to the max, no where to sit for lunch from 10 to 3. That's weekends, but the drive time eats a full day during the week and I couldn't take a day or two off every week all season. Seattle rarely gets powder, fresh snow yes, but rarely powder. Most in Seattle don't know the difference, but you've lived in Utah so you do.

Skied out of Seattle for 46 years and now in Florida. Can now ski liquid every day (150ft from my back door, about 90/90 today) and use all my vacation time during the winter to chase storms. Go wherever the deep, light stuff is to get my fix. The stuff you get all covered in and it shakes off like sand.

@Kona - Great thread!

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  • Baller
I'm 25 minutes from one of the best bump runs around, and some pretty dam good side country tree skiing. Am frequently ill on snowy mornings with miraculous recoveries about noon. Many days I can look all the way up lift 4 and not see another guy on the lift. Cat ski boys made the tribe mad and got kicked off the mountain, so I got a heli license and a airbag backpack. This year maybe morning sickness will extend into the afternoon some more. When you are a local, the 15% of the deep days that are not sierra cement are all you need to make a 30 day a year powder habit work. Couple times a year we jump the shuttle to Salt lake and make sure the steep stuff still doesn't scare us. Best news of all in the winter: No G-dam 39 off loop to torture and mock me. Best news of the summer: Glass is renewable pow.
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  • Baller
This will earn me some dislikes and the such, but if you pick and choose your ski days to be only powder and you don't ski ALL conditions you are not a "skier" and I guarantee your skills are limited. On the other hand, it does blow me away when it's a real powder day and the masters are all on one little groomer training slalom. I get the desire to train as much as possible, but my god, get out and free ski!
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  • Baller
@richarddoane look me up on your next trip to Utah so we can ski some runs if my schedule permits. Always stoked to see a fellow baller ski the white in my back yard! Not to mention we are both Radar fans! I am a Alta season pass holder but will prob have 3 Snowbird days this season as well.
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  • Baller

Wow - Early to start talking about the white stuff! But still a great picture @kona! I must say my ski trip that is planned for Utah (Park City - Canyons) next February was booked back in March. Can't wait to hit some nice fresh powder!


If any BOS'ers want to meet, I'll be there!

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@scotchipman I live for the winter there is no such thing as a bad day skiing on the mountain. When I was working at the Snowbird I managed to get 150 days a year in. Now I am 50 to 75 days. Major withdraws. I just love skiing snow or water.


@markchilcutt Nice pic cottonwoods ?

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  • Baller
@Kona yeah me 30yrs ago at Alta on a Monday after a 3 day 50+ inch storm cycle. I was 14 had to call my mom that sunday from Alta to inform her i wouldnt be coming home and i wouldnt be able to make it to school Monday lol! No regreats on that day. Canyon was closed and we had lift served pow skiing all day with no crowds. That pic was snapped by Lee Cohen last run of the day on west rustler.
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  • Baller
Ha ha ha!! According to @jimbrake, I am not a skier. Well, actually, I already knew that. I am a powderhound. Most often, I'm able to get most of my powder fix on a snowmobile, but I do enjoy getting it on a pair of snowskis as well. Shoot, I've had great times on a plastic sled or a tube as long as there is 3 feet of fresh powder. So actually, @jimbrake is correct. I'm not a skier, I'm not a snowmobiler, I'm not a tuber. I'm just pure 100% powderhound. When the snow hardens up...here...you can have it.
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  • Baller
I hit the mountain all weekends and some holidays during the season - which is short here, early-mid June to late Sept. Older daughter (6) has been in the resort team for 2 years now, and logs around 60-70 ski (training...) days every season.
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  • Baller

@kona - I guess you ski so slow because you're a patroller? Kidding, kidding. Juuust kidding. Don't pull my pass.


@escmanaze - I'm just jealous of people with money for heli, sleds, travel, and the time and skills to go real backcountry. I'd get more powder if I could. Does disgust me though when people stop skiing their local hill because "it hasn't snowed in a couple of weeks". OMG, you can hear your edges. The horror.

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  • Baller

Let's see, water skiing vs. snow skiing. Hmmmmmmm, you decide:


Water Skiing:



Snow Skiing:



... and just for you @Skoot1123 - Girl's Hockey:


To be fair, snow skiing and hockey rock. They're the best part of winter ... I'm just say'n ...

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