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Did You PB This Year?


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yes for ski season 2013 3 bouy tourny PB 2@38 34mph 7th season skiing bouys. Thanks @chrisrossi for being my biggest contributor as a coach and mentor. Not to mention several other skiers who have coached me over the last 7yrs J. Milford, Mike & Nick Parsons, Marcus Brown, Jason Hutchins and so many others i am forgetting. loving the ride!
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  • Baller
4@39 was practice PB by 1 buoy and sits 1.5 buoys above my tourney PB set last year. No tourneys this year but have 6 rounds at skiwatch coming up late this month...will see how it goes...the site of my tourney PB last year...which was a 4.5 buoy tourney PB at the time.
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  • Baller_
Mixed bag really. PB 5@38 in a tournament. Never gonna match my practice PB 0f 1@41 in 08. Placed highest ever at a regional tournament - 4th. Sucked wind at Nationals with an unexplained tail blow out at 5ball 35. And my ratings dropped a week before nationals as an old score dropped off. But the absolute best part of the year was standing in the number one spot holding a giant check with one of those cool sponsor bibs on. Ok, not exactly a Pro skier or Dawg for that matter but it sure felt like it... bucket list-CHECK
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  • Baller

@ntx I'm trying to not think about it. I only skied ProAm, 2 tournaments and Regionals so far this year. 3 College tournaments to come in the next 3 weeks.

I can blame 2 rounds on poor driving. Regionals rollers around 2@28 is what it felt like to me.

Hell I don't know ask @OB he usually sees me ski. I even train at a difficult site which in theory should result in higher scores elsewhere..

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After a late start to this season due to poor weather, I managed to add 4 bouys to my tournament pb to 5@35; practice pb up 1 to 2@38. Even better my average jumped from 86 to 92! One tournament left to try to bag my first tournament 35!! Lovin my Mapple 6.0!!
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  • Baller
I checked the wrong box prematurely...Even though my average is up, I did hit a practice PB of 2@35 (34mph). My tourny PB of 1@35 was set 2 years ago on a questionable course on just my 3rd time through 32 ever. Tourney average is up overall this year, and practice scores are deep 32. As an open water skier that only skis the course 1 or 2 times a week, I can live with that. (even though I want more!)
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  • Baller_

@Klundell, I needed one more poll option: I got a tournament PB only - beat the old PB by 1.5 buoys. Well, and I did improve my USA Waterski average as well. I didn't do much in practice, because I didn't get nearly enough time on the water this season. The spring weather in Michigan was awful.


@Chuck_Dickey, your left ankle looks exactly (really unbelievably close) like my left ankle did in late June. I didn't use a walking boot, though. I had to take 10 days off and it was another week after that before I was skiing at a good level. I did set my tournament PB on that ankle a month ago. It still hurts and I can barely run on it (with a fair amount of pain). How long did yours take to recover? There is another skier in our club with the exact same ankle injury as well and he was using the boot. I suspect he is on your timeline to return.



The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
No PB (all time) YET this summer. There is still about a month and a half of skiing left now. Feel like I am in a slump right now, but I'll get through it. I did run one full pass at 32 OFF and got a 1/2 buoy at 35 OFF - at ~34 mph. Since I am going to get to a tournament next year I am upping my speed to 36 mph. So far 2.5 @ 28 OFF is my 36 MPH PB (this summer) Don't recall if I have ever run 28 OFF at 36 mph. I'm hoping to knock that down this year.
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I think I need to check 3 of those boxes! I didn't really challenge by tournament PB, which is still a bit outlying at 1 @ -39 where my second best is 4 @ -38.


But I did tie that second best tournament score.


And I did tie my practice best (1.5 @ -39). And it was qualitatively clearly the best practice season of my life, and since I often peak in September, I hope there's even more coming there.


And while I didn't improve upon my miracle 2011 average, I have gone up a bit from 2012's more typical number.


But technically, no, I didn't set a practice or tournament PB.

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  • Baller_

@Chuck_Dickey, I never did get mine checked. It seemed that I could walk on it OK (especially wrapped) and eventually ski on it. Plus, the swelling subsided in a reasonable amount of time. But, some of the lingering minor pain during running and a bit of weakness remain. I don't feel confident on pushing off of that ankle alone, not enough stability or strength, and my gait is a bit odd when running. I wonder if that just requires a bit more time or if I have some other, more serious damage requiring attention. I would say that it continues to improve, just very slowly.


The other skier in our club did get his checked with no broken bones or other obvious lasting damage. He is about a month and a half behind me on the bad ankle journey.


Good luck with yours.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
A summer to forget, broken ankle in May, coming off my best season in 2012 with tornament PB, qualified for nationals in Mens IV, bought newer upgrade boat for 2013, only to sit on the sidelines all the way through, have hope for the big come back in 2014 :)
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Kind of embarrassed in this community to discuss my PB, but having just started to slalom 2 years ago (this being my 3rd season), my seasons practice PB is making clean passes at -15, 32 MPH. For me that's an achievement. I'm working on 34 mph right now and hope to get into the local tournaments next season......


Did someone say this sport is the most addictive thing ever???? If not, allow me to say it.....THIS SPORT IS THE MOST ADDICITIVE THING EVER! But.....I love it!

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