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Struggling to advance in 38' OFF - VIDEO POSTED


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  • Baller

Probably posted this before, but in the last 2 years I have gone from 15' OFF to a few balls @38' OFF. In recent weeks, my 35' OFF pass is a given. SO EXCITING!


Other than, I get a few balls at 38' OFF and just can't seem to figure out my gate for that rope length. Heck, can't figure much out at that length. Been getting a good look at 3 ball most of the time.


Help, post your secrets to get me into 39.5' OFF!!!! 32 and 35 werepretty easy to figure out for me, but this 38' OFF thing seems to be my sticking point.


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  • Baller
I guess I hate you too. Get wide grasshopper, that seems to have helped my ski partner immensely. I mean really up on the boat. If your boat driver (looking straight ahead of course) can't see the spray off the front of your ski in his peripheral while in your glide you're not up on the boat enough at 38. Just my observation. May not help you, but it just might.
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  • Baller

@Wish both PP and ZO. I have Star Gazer with ZBox on a 2003 Nautique 196 at home. Then a 2013 Nautique ZO when I ski at the club. I ran 5 @ 35' OFF in 2 out of 3 rounds in a tournament 2 weeks ago behind a Nuatique 200 ZO and a Malibu LXI ZO.


I notice little difference between my ZBox and the "Real Thing". I have my boat firmed up hard and as reactive as that ZBox can be. I ski B2 on my boat and C1 on the ZO. Have found those to be my numbers.

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A few things that have helped me:



- shell out crazy cash for a ski. I see you've already done that.



- gradual yet strong pullout to get VERY high on the boat. Nope, higher than that.

- turn all the way in before loading; entry angle needs to be very steep

- don't overload. Angle is much more valuable than anything else, and overloading can end up taking that away.


after center line:

- don't try to add anything

- allow yourself to go upcourse, but do everything possible to resist being drawn narrower



- get comfortable with feeling narrow. That's your path now.


That advice, some personalized coaching, and about 2000 attempts should get you there :).

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  • Baller_
I just got some really good advice on gate shots a week ago. Unknown to me, I was hitting ZO hard right outa the turn in for the gates. Driver pointed this out. Suggested a much more progressive load and to not load heavy until the ski tip hits the white water. C1 is also my personal setting. I have a tendency to over ski that pass. Since I've lightened up and progressively loaded the line, things have changed for the better. Ball one has been butter. My problem now is long pulling to 2 ball because that's what I'm used to doing to compensate for my used to be crappy fast gate shot to one ball. If I settle down at 2, I end up around 4 most of time and ran it last week. It was hard to adjust to that style of gate as it always felt like there would be no chance for the ski to get outside of one with that "weak" of a gate shot. But I was way wrong. Been the most consistant gates and ones to date. I will add that it has improved my 35s to 90%. But make sure your 35s are technically sound. Just because you run it frequently does not mean you run it early. Video your self at 35 as well and check to see where your at in the course as you progress down the pass. Then post a 35 and 38 here.
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  • Baller

@Wish I got to ski with Dave Miller in Canada, and that gate is exactly what I am doing (or trying to do each time). He is a masterful coach! I am going to work on getting farther up on the boat for the 38' OFF. I haven't felt in front of the boat on the gate pull out yet. Just feel narrow and "loaded" at ball one.


As far as 15-38 off in 2 years:


1. Buy a house on a puddle with ski course out front

2. Buy 2003 Ski Nautique (used with 37 hours on it) add stargazer and ZBox

3. Have your wife as addicted to skiing as you are!

4. Both wife and me are teachers....... JUNE/JULY/AUGUST BABY!

5. Do as @Than_Bogan suggested and spend crazy money on a NANO ONE! (Mid-Ride Nano Twist before that, that alone jumped me an ENTIRE rope length)

6. Join a ski club with a world/Canadian record holder and ski with those guys on occassion

7. Run some sort of tournaments (INT so far)

8. Have kids and get them addicted

9. Choose boat gas over food and college funds

10. Ski every day May 1 - Nov 1 (alternate practice and running down the rope)


Goal to be into deep 38' OFF by the end of the summer! I'll keep you psted and try to get some video.

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  • Baller
Funny thing is, I actually ski with a Dr. Jim in Wilsonville, OR on occassion. He is a Dentist though. And he did pull me through one of my first 35's and into 38, BUT he runs timing magnets and a PPset up. That isn't the same as the GPS stuff.
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  • Baller
Certainly possible to make that jump in two years if you ski all the time. Made a similar jump back in the late 90's in two seasons from a few @22 to running a 35 or two - tried the purple once just for the fun of it. Water time and good coaching goes a long way, I was skiing 6 days a week.
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  • Baller

@richarddoane the INT stuff has been so much fun for my children and my wife. Remember #3 on my list........ Happy Wife=Happy Life. I wanted to do the BroHo Tournament this weekend, but we are trying to iron out a new truck purchase, and the pacing is pretty slow on getting that accomplished.


My wife did say she would follow me around to some Sanctioned tournaments. Although, I gotta think, if I can run 2 Balls @ 38' OFF behind a 2013 Nautique 200 on Sun Basin Ski Ranch with 70 skiers in attendance, I am betting the sanctioned one won't work my nerves any more than that. 16.95 is 16.95 any day of the week right?


My degree is in Trumpet Performance with an Ed Degree. I have learned to settle my nerves for the most part. BUT, I do agree, I need to get rolling in some serious tournaments next year to keep growing.

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  • Baller_

@goodeskier - the wife and kids can ski in the grassroots part of a sanctioned event, we typically try to include a novice group whenever time permits, there's one additional Broho event on Sunday the 18th of August, where the whole family can ski, hopefully you guys can bring the new truck ! Lake Sammamish Ski Club is hosting, they have the lake rented for the entire day, so anyone who needs an extra ride after the tournament can get one, since my boat will be there until dark-thirty.



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  • Baller
You've now reached the point where gains will come 1/2, 1 and maybe two buoys at a time and not 4,5, and 6 buoys at a time. Also, don't be surprised if you take a step back in buoy count now. You can run 35 with so so body position. It's going to be a lot tougher to run 38 with so so body position. So while you're working on that, it's very possible that the buoy count will go down, only to go back up and surge ahead of where you are now in 6 months or a year.
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  • Baller

@ShaneH that has been my case in the last 2 years. Couplesteps back to make a leap forward. Been running down the rope first set of the day around 2 ball @ 38' OFF today. Then I have been running my gimme pass of 32' OFF 6 in a row off the dock to work on better positioning and reinforcing good habits. Plan to up that to 35' OFF in a week or so and see if I can run 6 35's in a row..........


@richarddoane THAT SOUNDS LIKE FUN! I will have to see what the schedule brings.

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  • Baller

OK, this morning was magic! I ran 28, 32, 35, and then had a good look at 3 ball @ 38' OFF again. Decided to try practice mode on the speed control and try another 38' OFF.


SO, I bumped the speed down to 33.7 MPH and RAN A COMPLETE PASS @ 38' OFF!!!!!! I felt wide through the entire pass. IT WAS AMAZING!


Hoping this tactic will get me through the pass at 34.2 MPH before too long!

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  • Baller
Well, today was a magical day in Central Washington! I got through 4 Ball @ 38' OFF. Had nicest water of the morning. Ran a very clean 35'OFF (in my head anyways.....). Then got a good gate. Masterful ball of spray wipe out between 4 and 5 ball! I do fee l this pass is a possibility!
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  • Baller

@6balls I was a little impatient and the wrong thought of "Crap I can run this...." entered my brain and I bit off a big chunk headed across the wakes at 5 ball, only to become a ball of spray!


@robscholl-OF my only video option is some gopro mounted on the mirror looking back. I will try and do this, just haven't had the relaxed time to make that happen while skiing. Maybe after this weekend's event. Can't blame my 2 and 4 year olds, but it isn't always the first thing on my mind when I am trying to get them to sit and be "somewhat" a non distraction while I ski. I'll work on it!

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  • Baller
OK, used my gopro and recorded my set today. need to cut out the down time and upload to youtube, then I will post. Ran 3 @ 38' OFF today and almost got around 4........ well could have, but I know it would have resulted in a big ball of spray.........
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  • Baller

OK, here are my video links. As always, after watching these, I am thinking similar to what @Than_Bogan said in his video link "If I can run a few balls at 38' off with these technical flaws, I can definitely see how people run 41 off with more solid technique!" BUT I am continually working to get better and better technique. It has come a long ways in the last 2 years. I am well aware of some of the issues, but would LOVE to hear anything that can help me grow. Here are my videos:


28' OFF 34.2 MPH



32' OFF 34.2 MPH



35' OFF 34.2 MPH



38' OFF 34.2 MPH



By the way, my driver is a great friend! He is 18 years old! I keep telling him, he drives through more short line then I have ever driven!

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  • Baller
@Goodeskier there was a great driving thread on here some time ago where some of the best of the ballers and pro tourney driver's chimed in. I found it very helpful for my own driving and it would benefit your buddy there. Weaving path he's got going on for you which I can get away with thru 35 but if s'one shorts me at 38 I'm screwed.
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  • Baller
@GOODESkier -- while many disagree with me, I have found that I need to ski 38 like I ski 32. Relaxed, tall on the ski, and without getting all amped up because it is -38. Honestly the lighter I am on the line and the taller I am on my ski, the easier the pass is. When I get amped up and hit it hard, it hits back. Take a deep breath before the pass, relax, and repeat after me -- "ski it just like 32, ski it just like 32, ski it just like 32."
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