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Dislike Malfunction


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  • Baller

To whomever I may have offended in the past:


I have never used the "dislike" button for anyone's post. Nor have I ever given anyone an "off topic". I have, however, used my iPhone religiously and more than likely have inadvertently brushed one of these options on one of you at some point. Again, I apologize for any hurt feelings. I am totally unaware when I do it, so I'm unable to amend the mistake after the fact unless you draw my attention to it.


It would be cool to be required to confirm your intentions before any such action is taken.


This is not an attack against @MattP or @Horton or anyone involved with the goings on here at BOS. I just wanted to clear my conscience.


This of course does not pertain to any comments directed at @MS

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  • Baller_
easily done on the iPhone and assume others. Ive done that. The one that frustrates me the most is bumping the "marked all viewed" button. I read some and skip others for later but when that gets tapped i don't even try to sort out what's been skipped for a later read. Love to see that one slid to the far right and not centered on the page.
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  • Baller



@skijay had a good idea

Hey @Matt, when you press the "Flag" button, a confirmation balloon pops up saying "Abuse," and you have to select the balloon to confirm your desire to leave this feedback. Would it be possible to program confirmation balloons for the rest of the feedback buttons ("Off Topic," "Dislike," "Like," and "Awesome?" Having to confirm any feedback would be most helpful. I especially don't want to give anyone an "Off Topic" or a "Dislike" by mistake.

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@OB which I assumed was a clever commentary on the inherent irrelevancy of The Points.


Unfortunately, I can have no respect for myself until I am a Mega Baller, so I'm going to have to ask you to pay for my psychotherapy bills until then.

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