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Shortened the line for the first time today


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I just made my first pass at 36@15 off and shortened to 22 off, my 15 was smooth and kinda easy but in 22 i made it to 4 ball but it was more bodyassault than a sweet ride, is it something i should keep in mind when shortening the line or should i just keep on going and hopefully it will turn out better soon?
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  • Baller

@cj_andersson - first congrats on the PB!! A couple of methods/thoughts for improving are to continue working on form and technique at your 15 off 36 mph. Then you can slow the boat down and work on your 22's and start speeding up as you start to make the passes. Building confidence will help tremendously! If you start practicing bad (ie only 22's) you start to get frustrated and ultimately won't improve your skiing. You always want to go a little beyond the comfort zone to get a feel of what is next, but to improve you'll want to engrain the proper position/technique. I would suggest reading @than_bogan's Levarage Position Article. I would also recommend the video of Seth Stisher running 15 off at I believe 30 mph. (using shortline technique to complete a 15 off pass)


Keep it up! You'll get better and keep havin' fun!!

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  • Gold Member

Ah, that first shortening is sooo sweet. But in truth, -28 is even more fun. That's the first one where you'll go through the gate, get totally hosed at 1, and say WTF? a few times. It makes getting through it someday all the more awesome!


I must admit I'm a bit jealous of the folks who are still adding passes. Fractions of a buoy are a huge deal for me, and even just running a given pass better and more consistently has to be counted as a key development, or else I won't have any!


Good luck with that article. I've heard that Than guy doesn't know what the heck he's talking about.

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