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I Have A Disease!!


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  • Baller

I have just realized I have a sickness that has no known cure! I don't know what it is called, but the symptoms are severe. This sickness has manifested itself greatly today--I am open to feedback and advice on how to best deal with this horrible problem.


I just arrived in Boise, Idaho about 20 minutes ago. I drove from Salt Lake City...a drive of about 5 hours. During the drive, I noticed no less than 14 bodies of water that would be perfect to put a course! I was noticing the direction the bodies of water were facing in regards to wind and glare. I was noticing the shore line on each. I was eyeballing the length of each potential course I came across, making sure to make a mental note if they were 1,800 feet or longer. I was noticing the foliage around each body of water, and on and on and on. How is it that this is all I am looking for when on the road? Not the beauty of the mountains, not the other cars driving along the freeway, not anything except potential new places to turn balls. @Horton What the hell!!!!! The passion that is created from truly engaging in this sport is so addictive, so relentless, to quote Star Trek, "resistance is futile!"


So, there you have it. In summary, there is not a better disease that I would rather suffer from, I think I will call it, buoyitis! There is no known cure, but you can keep it in remission by skiing 6 sets per week!

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  • Baller
I don't have a local course, so I rarely get to chase buoys, but I know what you mean. A buddy sent some pictures of some posh golf course he was on in Georgia I think while on a trip. I love golf, but my first comment was on one pic that had a pristine lake nestled in some trees. I said it looked like a great spot for a slalom course and his response was, "huh??".
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  • Baller
@Brady, do not worry for that one. It will evolve into something worst, you will start looking for land that can accommodate a 2,100'-2,300' body of water. That is the terminal phase...
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  • Baller_

Condition: buoyitus - no known cure

Perscriptions available over the countercut and through a preturnsciption are - hydocodoneanotheround

pstackedephedrine and most antibuoyatics will help with symptoms.

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  • Baller

Imagining a ski site placement or checking out every course is not really a problem. Perhaps if you own 5 courses, have a membership in 3 other sites and still evaluate every body of water or parcel of land your bank balance may suffer. It's only a real problem when the doctor won't let you ski on any of them. I need an intervention! Anybody want to buy a lake?



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  • Baller
@Wish A word of cation against the use of antibouyotics like work, marriage or saving money; the use of these antibouyotics can make bouyitus symptoms significantly worse for long periods, tempting you to discontinue their use before you're fully cured.
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  • Baller
Ended up having a fantastic day. Funny, but I told the company I was meeting with about my experience and they said that there was a private ski lake just 5 minutes away from their office...so, we drove down the street and went and said hi to the owners if Gilbert lake in Middleton Idaho. Great couple who said they host the western regionals every year. I now have a pull next time up and I even told them about this little website known as bos! It never ceases to amaze me at how nice this community really is!! This disease rocks!!!
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  • Baller

Tim and Robin Gilbert are wonderful people. Great lake for skiing. I've had some great tournaments, performances and memories from there.


Broadside Harbor is another excellent site. More good people from there and a couple of excellent lakes (without islands!). Broadside Harbor is the site of the past Western Regionals.


Never go to Boise or Nampa/Caldwell without your ski.



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I truly am "Born to Ski" living in Ewe-Tah also I have skied over 100 days this year already, now that includes the winter ski days but hey skiing is skiing frozen or aqueous! I am always looking for what i think would be a great place for a man made lake or where a new Mtn run could be made. Not a day goes by without thinking about skiing. When I leave the lake or Mtn I am already thinking about the next trip out. For me its not the buoys its the turns.


Feed the addiction, FEED IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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