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waterski mag 35th anniversary issue


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  • Baller
Coolest issue ever! For a guy my age it brings back so many memories of aspiring to be what the top pro's were at the time in the glory day of cash prize skiing and TV coverage. Hopefully it stirs even better memories from those pro's that made it happen who are legends today. Props to Todd and waterski mag, props to the legends well covered in this issue.
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  • Baller
John Cox - impressive write-up - Congrats, John, and compliments on keeping with the program, both in fitness and skiing -- I saw you at Little Mountain last week, but didn't hear how your skiing went. I checked into John DeFendis - his website discusses how he's seen hundreds of folks do relentless aerobic exercise, with no visible benefits. What stuck with me was his statement that aerobic exercise slows your heart rate/metabolism, and the result may be weight gain. The idea of resistance training to build lean muscle makes good sense to me - I think I'll back off on my aerobic training some and focus more on resistance training. Thanks for the pointers.
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