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Another side of the Asher/Smith gate call


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To say it was good thing that Will Asher won the 2013 Maters because Nate Smith missed the gates at 41 off would be false. It is neither a good thing nor a bad thing. One athlete legitimately performed better under the current set rules. Smith missed the gates and Asher went between them. It is that simple.


The judges were put in a position to make a decision and they did so. Personally, this is what I expect at the Masters but there are those who believe that Pro events are not always officiated with impunity. Unfortunately, there was one notorious event 2 years ago were the judging left the spectators perplexed and some athletes were clearly disserviced.


This result shows/clarifies a lack of bias at the Masters. A Nautique skier lost and a Malibu skier took the title. I am not surprised. No one should be surprised. The reputation of Correct Craft is that of integrity.


I am making this point to those skiers who doubt the honestly of some Pro events. To those who believe in conspiracies. Next time I hear half baked theories about shenanigans I am going to reference this result.


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