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Is this how we should market water skiing?


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  • Baller

@Horton you need to give yourself the Panda. You're the one who derailed this thread to start with. Or maybe I'll tell Gallagher to give you the Panda at home. The chances of anyone seeing me in a bikini are very small. I'm not ruling it out, but very small.


Now, can we get back to the discussion on promoting our sport with good looking people?

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  • Baller

Thank you for all of the support, well wishes and beyond flattering compliments...holy moly you guys better keep my ego in check! I enjoyed this thread for a lot more than that though--lots of fresh ideas and interesting thoughts in regards to marketing our sport and I just wanted to thank everyone for weighing in. Hopefully it is just the beginning and this conversation planted a few seeds amongst our community. Looking forward to see what grows from it (unintentional seed/growth pun...my apologies.)


Also, I am not entirely against @shaneH or @Horton in bikinis...viral video potential? It shows that our sport doesn't discriminate (against hairy, "interesting" characters) and can have fun, right? ;)


Thanks again! And for those of you asking about my ankle....I don't have to have surgery! The breaks were nondisplaced and the tendons partially torn so it looks like 3 months in this cast to heal and then I can look forward to some really sore "ski" muscles in October.

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